|3|: Well, at least the mask is cool.

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"Hey Chiharu, would you like to eat lunch with us?" A girl asked me. I looked up from the book I was reading and smiled softly.

"No thanks, I'd prefer to eat in the classroom." I responded before looking back down at my book.

  The girl and her friends walked out of the room while whispering things to each other. "What's her deal? Why does she always want to eat alone?" One girl whispered to her friends.

"Yeah, I know. It's been two weeks since she transferred here and she barely interacts with anyone. She just sits in empty rooms, reading strange books." Another girl commented.

"She's so weird and antisocial. Why do we even bother inviting her out? In fact, why does anyone even bother talking to her?" The third one whispered. The girls chuckled to themselves as they walked out of the room and I rolled my eyes.

'Dumb bitches.' I thought in annoyance. 'I don't wanna be friends with stuck up people like you anyway.'

  After a minute I closed my book, put it down and  sighed. "She's right though, I've been here two weeks and haven't really talked to anyone." I said to myself.

  I shook all the negative thoughts out of my head and pulled a thermos out of my bag. Inside the thermos was coffee.

  I took a sip and savored the bitter taste of the pure black coffee. While it was quite satisfying, I knew it wouldn't hold me over much longer.

   I haven't eaten since I moved to this town and I'm starving. Which means I'll have to hunt tonight.

With a sad sigh I took one last sip of my coffee, before putting it away and walking out of the room.

~ small time skip~

  I wandered the halls of the school just exploring the places that I hadn't gone, when I came to a door that led to the roof.

Without anything better to do and in desperate need of some fresh air, I opened said door and walked up a flight of stairs that led to the roof of the academy.

  The cool wind blew through my hair causing it to get in my face, obstructing my vision just a little. I shivered a little as the wind caressed my skin and caused the hair on my arms to stand on end.

  Despite the chilly air, the view from the roof was absolutely beautiful.

  I spent a few minutes taking it all in before sitting down, pulling a sketchbook out of my bag and drawing everything that I saw.

  I drew the gardens and the gates, I even drew the people that I saw. The drawing was extremely detailed, it was as if it was a photograph.

  I made sure to capture every inch of what I saw and transfer it onto paper. I was in my own little world as I drew and I felt free and happy.

  The wind continued to dance around me as I started to shade various parts of my drawing in order to make it even more realistic.

  I was so lost in my drawing that I didn't hear the door opening, nor did I hear anyone approach me. So when the person made their presence known, I attacked out of habit.

  The person tapped on my shoulder and I grabbed their arm and flipped them over onto their back. I heard a pained groan and was immediately brought back to my senses.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed looking down to face the person. I was surprised to see it was the blonde idiot from my class and he was giving me a pained smile.

"It's alright Doumeki San." Tamaki said as he sat up. "After all, I did sneak up on you."

I shook my head. "No, it's my fault. I was off in my own little world. I'm usually much more aware of my surroundings." I replied, feeling guilty.

Is it a sin?: Tokyo Ghoul X OHSHC Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon