Trees may smile (Schwethz)

35 9 15

Every night, I get a dream that a tree coming and talking to me. I wonder, what is the matter that I am getting such a weird dream. I didn't ponder about it much, as I very well know dreams never become reality. 


On my birthday, an astrologer has told me that something will happen and my life would change forever and when I asked about whether it's good or bad, he said time will tell. 

But today, since the morning, I am getting this vibe that something is going to happen, and I would never know what to expect! 


In the evening, I went to my favorite park as it's my regular routine to take in the fresh air for some time between the trees and sat in my usual bench. 


All of a sudden, I heard a loud thud and turned to look at the direction of the sound. My mouth opened widely and there stood a big tree opening its branches like arms, like requesting me to give a hug. 

'Damn, does my dream came true?' 

I was terrified of looking at it, and I was rooted to the place not knowing what to do. 

"Hello, friend. Ready to become Tree Man?", the big tree asked me with a smirk. 

My eyes popped out listening to its talk, "What?" 

"Yes, you will be the Tree man, that my world needed, and you will save the trees from now on from its extinct!".

I looked at the big tree with horror. 

'Tree man, seriously?' "I will give you the supertree power, and you will fly to the spot where a tree gets assaulted. You will help nature in getting back to its the older self", the big tree said. 

I was gawking, not knowing what to say!

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