A Kilmerseque Perennial (lyttlejoe)

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I never thought that I would see a tree that actually spoke to me. A tree whose words that sounded nice, with offerings of sound counsel about my goals and life, with ambition; and guidance for whence I'm on that mission. 

A tree that seemed to really care about matters, though not here or there, untold as I let my life unfold. Gently urging paths to take allowing the choices that I make to provide the best results; supporting confidence for having made the right decision. 

It was a blessing to find this tree that, for whatever reason, solemnly spoke to me in measured tones with advice, sage, yet fool that I am, my moment to engage ended in a trice and now, beside myself I'll have to wait until the twelfth . . . another month.  

Single Tree (Closed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora