Start from the beginning

Walking into school, I dropped each of them off to class, before slowly going to my first period. I'm never early, and when I am, I'll always find a way late to any of my classes.

My friend group consists of four people, five including me. Klaus, Krista, Rhea and Anthony.

Klaus is a tall German, standing at nearly 6'2. We used to call him Giraffe boy, but that name got too immature, so we dropped it pretty quick in middle school. He had short faded golden hair with baby blue eyes, the perfect stereotype for a German. He face was well sculpted with a defined jawline and a Roman nose, his eyebrows were medium thickness, not too thin and not too thick. Klaus is a ladies man, every girl, our freshman year, everyone was desperate to get into his pants because of how attractive he is. Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores and even the kids in our grade, wanted Klaus. He came in from Germany when he was in 5th grade and met us just at the start of 6th. His accent was strong then, but after hanging out with us for a while, he's got more of an American accent, but has his moments with the German side.

Krista is basically the mom, she doesn't smoke, cares too much about her health and sometimes gets mad at us because we're immature. She has light brown hair, cut just below shoulder length, her eyes are a dark shade of brown but when the sun hits it at the perfect angle, it becomes a nice chocolate brown. Her nose is a little upturned, almost like a button nose, lips curved in a wider angles, but relatively thin. Krista has well defined cheek bones, almost like a model, if she were a mom, she would definitely be a milf.

Rhea, a very strong woman. Her hair is jet black, just above shoulder length, but usually kept in a half up half down type of hair style. She wear sunglasses above her head, always, if you try to take them off she'll literally stab you. Her eyes are brown like Krista, but her eyes are much lighter, caramel like. She has a strong Roman nose much like Klaus, but full lips, and a noticeable jawline. She makes it her goal to work out at least 3 times a week, to keep her shape, and to be able to punch me with a force that is beyond man.

The last one in our group is Anthony. He's the nerd, glasses, know-it-all, etc. His eyes are a bright blue colour, but more icy and dangerous, his hair is short, but longer in the front, which he combs over a lot. His nose is arched, and his jawline is not that defined but still noticeable if you stared hard enough at him. He never wants to be late to class, a whole goody goody reputation to hold for his family. His family doesn't like us, or at least me, Klaus, and Rhea. Even if he is a nerd, we still love him and he's apart of the group as much as the rest.

As I make my way towards my first class, which happens to be English, I notice the random kids scattering to their classes. I knocked on the door to the English classroom, the teacher opened it, a scowl immediately adorning her face.

"(L/n) already late to class on the first day, go sit down." Her voice was strained and she sighed after. Going back to sit down at her desk.

While I made my way to the back of the class, I noticed the usual kids in my grade, one's that strive to be popular. Kids like Mike Newton and Jessica Stanley. "Of course they're in my class." I muttered slightly, under my breath.

I took my headphones off, letting them fall around my neck with my music still playing, stopping at the back of the class where Mike Newton is currently sitting. The classroom has each desk lined in columns but in the back, the walls cut in and only two desks can fit in the back row, but situated in the middle columns to where they can see the board. The other chair is being occupied by a woman with brown hair and amber eyes. "-Newton, you're in my seat. Get." I pointed towards the front.

"Actually, I think I'm gonna stay here. I did get here before you, so I believe I deserve this seat." He gave me a close eyed smile, before turning his head to the woman next to him. "So, about your number, that available?" She ignored him and stared ahead, almost glaring at the kid in front of her.

Deciding to take actions into my own hands, but not wanting to cause a fight, I took his bag and slid it towards the front. To which gave me the reaction of him furrowing his eyebrows.

"That's not gonna make me loose this seat, I'm gonna go get it if that's your idea (L/n), better luck next time." He chuckled at me, almost begging me in a way to punch his face.

"Well it's your lucky day, because that wasn't my idea at all."

"Oh then do tell me why my bag is all the way to the front?"

"Because Newt-" I grabbed his shirt collar, lifting him out of the seat. "-this is my idea." I pushed him forward, only for him to lose his balance and fall, sliding down the isle a little, close to his bag.

Taking a seat where he was previously sitting.

"Thank you." Giving him a devilish smile.

"Ms. Barnes! Aren't you gonna do anything?" His whiny voice echoed through the classroom. Ms. Barnes glanced up to see Mike on the floor and me in the seat.

"If I didn't see it, I can't do anything, now go sit down in the empty seat right there Michael." She gave him a tight lipped smile as I silently cheered in my head.

I placed my board down, grip tape facing down and wheels up, and proceeded to take my bag off, placing it gently on my board. As I was about to put my headphones back on, the girl next to me spoke.

"Thanks, he's been flirting with me since class started." Her voice was soft but steady. Without looking at her, I just leaned back in my chair and replied;

"Not an issue, he can't keep his dick in his pants, very desperate these days. Who would want him anyways, he's the size of a baked bean, I wouldn't know but his ego says otherwise." My voice came out very playful and childish, and the girl gave out a small giggle.

"I'm Lucy by the way."

"Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/n). I haven't seen your face before, but then again I don't tend to notice things like that."

"Well you're very much right, you haven't seen me before, I'm new." She replied, smiling brightly.

"Nice. Hope you find it well here." Without continuing the conversation, I put my headphones back on and decided to text the group chat to explain that I kicked Mike out of a seat and I might have to fight him later. While texting the group chat, the next song had been playing, and me being me, I tuned out of the group chat to listen to it.

"Okay everyone! We have about twenty minutes until the bell rings, I'm gonna start explaining the course, what you will need, the books we'll be reading and of course how the course will be throughout the year." Groans collectively came from most students, only ones that didn't groan were the obvious nerds, which only consisted of two girls, one with pink hair and the other with black, and me and Lucy.

"So tests will be ten percent of your grade, homework being fifteen, while the rest is divided up between essays, projects and participation. Here's the list of books we will be reading, take one and pass it back. Now..." I started drowning her out, the first day of school is always the worst, it's just teachers explaining what the class is about and what you'll need, how much everything is that counts to your grade percentage. Again, boring basic things.

I grabbed the paper from the girl in front of me, and skimmed over it, only to fold it and place it in my bag.

And with that, the bell rang. I stayed back and waited for students to leave, and when most of then did I got up and left. I met up with Klaus before heading to my next class, and when I saw him a smirked.

"So, you threw Newt down and took his seat?" Klaus looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"No no, that's not what happened. I threw Newt down out of my seat. Get it right."

"Well, I can't wait till he calls you out at lunch." Chuckling he patted my head and walked into his next class.

Now to wait till Lunch until the drama hits.


hey! if you're seeing this, that means you're reading the first chapter of the rewrite. not a lot of things will be changed in this book, but if you've read the original, you'll notice a few differences. anyways! hope you guys might enjoy the rewrite!

also, for clarification, if you guys are confused, Lucy, is an oc that i've created for this story. obviously since it's an alice x reader story, SOMEBODY NEEDED TO BE JASPER'S MATE.

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