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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

THE NEXT couple of weeks passed fairly quickly, the day after the fight wasn't as tell-tale worthy, Mike decided to not bother me for a bit and we both were forced to apologize to each other by our parents. When my parents found out they were pissed and of course, another punishment was in order. Alice was worried for the first couple of days because of how bad my bruise was but I told her it wasn't a big deal and it'll heal.

She and I got closer and with the constant touching of my skin, you would assume we were together. She's obsessed with the tattoos that littered my skin. Since I was in trouble with my parents I was unable to get money for new headphones and my friends are getting used to me not wearing any.

So here I sat in my first-period class, doodling on a worksheet the teacher gave us while talking to Lucy. We had gotten closer as well, due to Alice's and Lucy's persistence.

"What're you doing?" She asked me with a very bored expression. "Doodling, I don't know?" I questioned back with the very same bored tone. We were reading 'The Handmaids Tale', it's a good book but it drags in my opinion. She looked over at my paper and raised her eyebrows.

"What the hell is that?" I looked at my finished doodle, it was of two small creatures fighting each other, one almost looked like a bunny, and the other a cat. "I don't know what they are, all I know is they're fighting to the death."

"You know what I just realized? We haven't traded numbers." She took out her phone and placed it on my desk, I groaned in response. "Being friends with one Cullen was enough, why do you bother me so much?" My voice was muffled as I had my head on the desk with my arms covering the sides.

"You're whipped for my sister." That was all she said and I groaned even louder. "Why does everyone say that?" I lifted my head to see her amber eyes. "With the way, she touches your arm constantly and you blush, gives people the idea." She gave me a devilish smirk that she used when she was planning something.

"Okay fair, but what's with the smirk, you're scaring me." My hands went in front of me to try and protect me from whatever she was planning. "Have you ever gotten her number?" I was confused. "Who?"

She smacked my shoulder and then the back of my head. "Who else would I be talking about, fucking idiot" The last part was grumbled but I still picked it up. "I haven't, I didn't bother to ask. Didn't think it was that important." She took her phone back from my desk seeing as I wouldn't touch it and forcefully asked for mine. By forcefully asking, she took it without my permission.

"What's your password?" I mumbled something out of an incoherent response and she asked again. "What's your password, if you mumble one more time I swear to God." She threatened to give me a pointed look. "41103" She gave me a questioning look at why my password was weird to which I looked away and didn't give her a response.

She opened the contacts app and started to put in her number and someone else's who I could only assume was Alice. "Are you texting yourself?" I see her typing furiously. "No, I'm texting Alice." She threw my phone to my lap after pressing send. I looked at the message and it read; 'Hey Alice, it's (Y/n). Got your number from Lucy, hoping to see you later cutie ;)'

"Lucy! What the hell? This is your sister, why are you so desp-" I was cut off by my phone vibrating, signaling a notification. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Alice, opening my phone I read it.

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