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"I hate Mondays," I groaned as I rolled over in my bed. My head was pounding so hard and I was so nauseous. I pulled my arms under my body and pushed my weak body up. The last few nights have ended so badly. I can't eat anymore, and whenever when I would eat, it wouldn't stay there for very long.

"Morning Louis," Harry said, knocking on my door. I rolled over and tried to look more alive as he opened the door.

"Morning Hazza," I moaned, rubbing my eyes as he entered.

"Are you okay? You look exhausted," he said, looking concerned really fast. He sat down next to my feet as I rubbed my dizzy head.

"Yeah, I'm so tired though," I said. Harry leaned over to me and felt my head.

"You don't feel sick or anything," he whispered. I cleared my throat and set my head down on the pillow.

"I feel okay, just tired," I whispered. He laid down behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt drained, and I didn't care what he was doing.

"Lou, you seem smaller, you weren't this tiny last time I hugged you," he said. I could hear his concern in his voice. I let out a slight moan as I drifted back off to sleep.


"Harry, where are you?" I said, walking downstairs to the living area of our flat. I held the railing tightly as I slowly made my way down the stairs. I really hoped Ronnie wasn't down here, I wasn't in the mood for another intervention. Especially at three a.m.

"Hey Lou," I heard from the sofa. It didn't sound very much like anyone I knew. I cocked my head to the side and looked at the couch as the lights turned on. Sitting there was two guys. One of them had neon green hair with tight jeans and a dress shirt with a green and black tie. The one next to him had black hair that fell over one eye and a black leather jacket and ripped jeans.

"Uh, who are you?" I asked. The one with the dyed hair looked at the emo one.

"I'm Clade, and this is my.. friend Arias. We were in rehab with Harry a few months ago, and he gave us a call," the one with the dyed hair, Clade apparently, said.

"Okay, um, I'm Louis. And what are you doing here?" I asked, trying to not be too rude.

"Harry and Ronnie are worried about you, and we're good friends with them, so they flew us in to talk to you," Arias said.

"About what?" Arias looked from me to the end of the sofa. I got the hint and sat down at the end, a few scoots away from Clade.

"Harry thinks you may have developed an eating disorder," Clade said, staring deeply into my eyes. I was feeling a little nervous, what was going on? I didn't have an eating disorder.

"I don't have an eating disorder," I stated, completely in shock. I attempted to jump up and stomped out, but Clade grabbed my arm and pulled me down. I felt a little dizzy and rubbed my head.

"This is what I meant, you look like I did when I was entered in rehab. Thin, weak, sick, but Arias and I are going to help you. I've been there, and I had Ari here to help me out. You have us, plus Harry, Ronnie, and the other guys." I looked at Clade, surprised that he came from something like that. He was definatly a little out there, but I could never see him having an eating disorder.

"But.. I don't really know who you are," I said quietly. Clade leaned forward and rubbed my leg.

"Just trust us, we'll help you through this, okay? We made it, and so can you.


so, here's chapter four of Louimic.

new chapter will be out sometime soon

until next time

bake Christmas cookies, wrap presents, and tame a magical reindeer

Embrina R. H. out, DAI SUKI!!!!!!!

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