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hey everyone

im back, at least for a little bit.

i should warn that this may be triggering

if it is, just leave, i won't be offended

still, enjoy


"Harry?" Ronnie said, tapping lightly on her boyfriend's bedroom door. She knew he was in here, he's been here since they got home from seeing Louis. He came down to the cafeteria in tears, and everyone agreed it was time to go home before someone did something or said something they regreted.

"Harry, please open the door, we need to talk," she said, leaning her head on his door. Ronnie reached for the knob and sat up as she realized the door was unlocked. The knob made a silent squeak as she turned it and slipped into his room. Her curls swung into her face as she looked back and forth across his room for her curly- haired boyfriend.

"Harry?" she repeated. He may be in the bathroom, but the door was open. She slipped around his bed and walked up to the open door leading into his bathroom. Ronnie looked around the corner and saw Harry laying on the bathtub, blood flowing off his left shoulder and arm. There was a knife on the floor next to him, blood staining the steel blade.

"Harry, what happened?" she asked, dropping down next to him on the floor. He was staring into space, his green eyes blank and expressionless. Did he go into shock? Ronnie asked herself. Her heart began to race as he took his bloody hand. It was so cold.

"I snapped..." Harry whispered, looking up tiredly at his lady. Ronnie took his hand and brought it to her lips, kissing his soft palm carefully and gently.

"How long have you been up here bleeding?" she asked, becoming scared that he could be suffering from blood loss or close to shock.

"Not long... I was just upset..." he said weakly. Ronnie let go of Harry's hand and moved the sleave of his shirt up, observing the cuts. The blood was still wet and warm, he was still bleeding.

"Okay, you stay here, I'm going to go get a first aid kit and decide if you need stitches," Ronnie explained, petting some messy curls from Harry's sweaty face.

"Okay," he said, laying his head back against the wall. Ronnie leaped up and rushed out of his room and down the stairs, heading straight for the kitchen.

"Ron, is that you?" Niall asked from the living room.

"Yeah, just had to grab something," she responded, opening a cubard and taking the first aid kit out of the back. She turned around and saw Niall standing there. Her heart jumped and she grabbed her chest, startled by the sudden sight of him there.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack, don't do that," she growled, her southern accent thick with irritation.

"Why do you have that? Did you hurt yourself?" he asked, quieting down for the second question.

"No, Harry did. It's not bad, but he relapsed and I need to clean him up," Ronnie whispered back. His crystal eyes grew large with fear.

"He did?" he whimpered. Ronnie nodded and slipped by him, making her way up the stairs.

"Stay down here, I don't want him freaking out, okay?" she ordered. Niall obayed and sat back down where he was in the living room. Ronnie was calm and quiet as she entered Harry's room again. Harry was laying down right where he was when she left, his eyes closed from exaustion. 

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