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sorry for the long wait, but i am truely aweful at chemisty.

and it isnt honors, its just flat up chemistry

i miss biology...

anyway, sorry for the wait, thanks for staying with me, and ill try to update everything really soon.


I kept it up for weeks. I could feel myself getting lighter with every meal I lost and I could see the fat vanishing from my body. My stomach and throat always hurt, but it was worth it.

"Louis? It's noon, are you up?" Harry asked, tapping lightly on my bedroom door. I moaned, rubbing my throat as the sound vibrated my vocal cords. I coughed hard into my pillow, hurting my throat even more. Last night was absolutely horible. I ended up puking until I passed out. Ronnie found me on the floor and Harry carried me to bed. I guess they thought I had food poisoning or something.

"I'm up," I moaned. The door opened and Harry quietly entered my room. The scent of oatmeal filled my room and my stomach called out to the food that tempted it. I wanted it, I won't deny it.

"Hey LouLou, howya feeling?" Harry asked, sitting on the end of my bed. I sat up some and cleared my throat.

"Horible," I mummbled, rubbing my hurting head. The floor seemed to tilt up some. Harry leaned forward and placed a hand on my cheek. I looked at him curiously.

"I just wanted to be sure you didn't have a fever or something. You know, stomach virus," he explained. I nodded and layed back down on my pillow. I could feel drool forming in the corners of my mouth from smelling the oatmeal for so long.

"Are you up for eating right now?" he asked. Well, if I ate some, I could get rid of it really easily. Oatmeal is really easy to bring back up.

"Maybe a little bit," I said, sitting up. Harry set the bowl on my lap and I took the warm spoon inside. I nibbled away at it as Harry ruffled my hair and left my room. When I couldn't hear his feet anymore, I leaped up and dashed to my bathroom. I closed my eyes and shoved my fingers into my mouth, hitting my gag reflex. I coughed hard and lost the little bit of oatmeal I ate. I barely had any, but any food could take me back to overwieght Louis. And I wasn't going to take that chance.

I finally pulled back and fell against the wall, exausted from vomiting. My mouth tasted of acid, and I spit in the trash can next to me. I dragged myself to my feet, flushed the toilet, and brushed my teeth. The acidic taste was taken over by spearment and I spit into the sink. I sat up and saw the new and improved Louis Tomlinson in the mirror. He had a thinner face, close to no body fat, and he looked so much better than the old Louis. I smiled happily, proud of my wieght loss.

"Louis, are you getting sick again?" Ronnie asked, tapping lightly on my door. I wiped my mouth and opened the door, still smiling.

"No, I'm okay," I said, looking down at the little ginger. She looked at me wierdly, obviously a little confused.

"Um, are you sure? It didn't sound too pretty up here."

"Yeah, I'm brilliant." She was skeptic, deffinatly, but she didn't say anything as she left. I closed the door and danced around happily. It didn't last long, because I felt dizzy and unbalanced. I had to grab the countertop for support and I fell slowly down to my knees on the floor.

"Whoo, okay," I whispered to myself, rubbing my head. That was wierd. I gathered my strength and stood back up, feeling weaker than before. Maybe I should just go back to sleep.


I had no idea what time it was when I woke back up again. But here's what I did know: damn is it dark.

"Ron? Harry? Are you two home?" I asked, walking downstairs. The first floor was pitch black, not even a lamp on. Something was deffinatly up.

"Hello?" I called out. I could hear someone sitting down on the leather sofa, and I turned toward the only sound. The lamp turned on and I could see the side of Ronnie's face in the light.

"Hey Ron, you okay?" I asked as casually as I could. Something seemed off with her.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing," she said in a low voice, like she didn't want anyone to hear her.

"I'm fine, thank you."

"No, you're not Louis!" Well, that escatlated quickly.

"Ronnie?" She dropped her head into her hands and groaned into her palms.

"Louis, I know you're hiding something. I know that, don't deny it. I just don't know what." She was on to me. She just didn't know it.

"Everyone has secrets Ronnie, you know that. Why can't you just leave it at that?" I asked, trying really hard to not sound like an asshole. She lifted her head up and stared at the coffee table in front of her blankly.

"Lou, Harry and I trust you. You know that, right?"

"Of coarse."

"And... you trust us, right? Us and the other guys?"

"Yeah." She looked up at me suspicously.

"Look, I'm not going to force you to say anything if you don't want to. I just want you to know that you can talk to us if you want to or if something is bothering you."

"Ronnie, I know this."

"Then what are you hiding?" She stared at me, a pleeing look in her stormy eyes. Maybe I could tell her. Girls struggle with their weight their entire lives, she may understand me at least a little bit.

"Alright, you caught me." I raised my hands in surrender, her eyes watching me closely. Not yet Tomlinson, just not yet. "I'm in love with Harry. I want your little curly-haired lovebug." A smile snuck onto her face and she rolled her eyes, walking upstairs to Harry's room.

Just not yet.


and here's the latest chapter in Louimic. thank you to those who continue reading my story and supporting me in chemistry. I figured out what my problem was with it and i (hopefully) won't have to put my entire writing career on hold

rescue a dog, find a turtle, and throw a cat into a tree

~Embrina R. H. out. watashi wa anata o aishite! ( i love you in japanese)

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