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"Mr. Tomlinson?" I heard softly with a knock. I rolled from my side to my back and pried my heavy eyes open. I moaned and I guess Xylie took that as an answer. The door quietly opened and closed.

"You don't need to call me Mr. Tomlinson. Just call me Louis," I smiled, looking at her in a half- sleepy state. I think I saw her smile and she pulled out a clipboard.

"So, Louis." I smiled at her and she smiled back as she helped me sit up. "We decided that we would put off counseling until the end of the week, so that we could take some time to get some strength back in you." I cocked my head to the side and looked at her.

"I think that'll be rather difficult seeing that I can't hold food down," I explained.

"Oh, Louis, we weren't going to make you eat, we were going to work along the lines of IV directly into your system. It seems like the best and safest thing for you right now," she explained. I didn't know what to say, the idea of having a needle in me was a little disterbing, since I hate needles.

"Is that the only option?" I asked nervously. She bit her lip a tiny bit and nodded, understanding that I wasn't completely comfortable with the idea. I gulped and nodded.

"Okay, when are we hooking me up?" I asked. Xylie looked down at her clipboard.

"Twenty  to thirty minutes, shouldn't be too long." I nodded and settled back into the bed. "Would you like a shower while they get here?" she asked.

"Yeah, that'd be nice. Where's the washroom?" I asked.

"Right across the hall. Here's a change of clothes and a towel," she said, walking over to the small dresser on the other side of the room. I pulled my legs to the side of the bed and dragged myself to my feet. Xylie helped  me out as she guided me across the hall to the mens washroom.

"Are you allowed here?" I asked her as she lead me over to the showers in the back.

"Yes, I'm a nurse, I'm allowed into places like this," she explained, smiling some. I smiled back and she leaned me against the wall, heating the water up. I felt so useless as she did that. I couldn't do a god damn thing for myself. This was pathetic.

"You got it?" she asked, setting my towel and clothes on the shelf next to me. I nodded and gestured for her to leave. She snuck me a sweet smile before disapearing from the mens washroom. I sighed and began unbuttoning my trousers. She's such a nice girl.

I dropped all my clothes to the ground and kicked then to the side, stepping into the shower carefully. The steaming hot water burned my skin at first, but I quickly became used to it. I closed the curtain behind me and looked at my reflection in the glassy tiles. My ribs were so well defined and my body was so small it was sickening to look at. I can't believe I let it get this far. I was literally killing myself.

I stared at myself for a little and finally broke from my trance and cleaned my body. The image of my body burned my mind and I couldn't focus. My hands were shaking as I ran the wet rag over my weak body. My head was throbbing and I fell into the walls some. I could feel my legs giving in and I sank to the floor. The burning water continued to fall to my head and I couldn't see as well. My stomach was begining to hurt once again as I pulled myself to my arms and legs. I dug my stubby nails into the cracks between the tiles and slowly pulled myself to my weak feet.

"Xylie.." I whispered weakly. I pulled the lever to the water down and reached out for the towel on the shelf. I unfolded it and rubbed my hair with it, drying it as well as I could. My hands released the towel and it fell to the cold ground. I pulled the cotton gray tshirt over my wet body and tugged on the gray sweatpants that came with it. I took the towel and the clothes I wore in here and slowly made my way back out and to my room. I walked across the hall and into my bedroom, a bit taken back at the site I was went I arived. Xylie, a doctor, and two others were in the bedroom.

"Mr. Louis Tomlinson?" the doctor asked, looking from me to a clipboard.

"Um, yes?" I answered, dropping my stuff by the door. Xylie gave me a reasuring smile.

"Louis, this is Dr. Jameson Holt, and two other nurses, Janessa Parker and Blair Morris. They'll be here every day this weak to give you your fluids and to get your strength up." I looked at the doctor and the other nurses.

"Please, take a seat Louis. Get comfy, you'll need to be here for a little while," one of the nurses, I think Janessa, said, gesturing to my bed. I watched both her and Blair closely as I cautiously made my way to my bed and layed down, covering my tiny body with the thin blanket. Blair hooked up an IV and Janessa hooked the needle to the tube. Jameson took my right arm and wiped the veins on my wrist with an alchohol wipe.

"This may hurt a little, but only for a second," Jameson said, taking the needle from Janessa and slipping it into my arm. It hurt some, like being having blood drawn from you during a check up. But after the needle was set up, it didn't hurt. It was just uncomfortable and I didn't really enjoy it. I looked up and realized that Xylie wasn't in the room anymore. Where did she go? I never heard her left.

"Louis?" someone at the door said. I looked and saw it was Xylie.

"Yeah?" I said, feeling strange about the liquid sliding into my body.

"Theres a big group of people here to see you. One of them is your housemate Harry."


koniti wa, fello americanos

or forgheners, if thats what you are

i cant spell this word, sorry for the non americans

but heres a Louimic update

I may have another one up in a few days, but sometime during the week would happen

hope you enjoyed :D

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