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heyo, its Embrina once again, here to ruin your life.

How goes it? it goes good? sweeeeeet.

so, chapter 6 of Louimic is right here.



It was dark when I woke up again. I'm getting so sick and tired of sleeping all the time. I feel like such a potatoe these days.

"So, how did the first day go?" I heard from the kitchen. I couldn't tell if it was Harry or Arias who was asking, which lead to me becoming curious. I sat up slowly, my head pounding and my throat and stomache hurting. I sucked in a slow, deep breath and dragged my tired legs to the side of my bed.

"His body is completely rejecting food and drink right now. It's deffinatly going to take some time before he's going to be able to stomach anything. I think a hospital and rehab is the best thing for him," Clade explained. They were talking about me. And a hospital and rehab center. What?! I don't need a rehab center.

"Really? Are you sure?" someone, most likely Harry, asked. I slowly brought myself to my feet and balanced, making my way to the kitchen. The only light on in the flat was from the dining room table. I stepped into the shadows and crept my way to them, ease dropping on their conversation.

"It would be best for him. He'd be around all the doctors and therapists and it just seems like a better option than what we're doing," Clade told. I peeked around the corner and saw Arias, Harry, and Clade all sitting at the end of the long, rectangular table. All three of them looked exausted, it must have been really late.

"But, can't we just get a counseler here? Couldn't they help?" Harry asked. He sounded so nervous about the idea of putting me in a rehab.

"How about we ask Ronnie, she's been through this a little bit. When she was younger, she had an eating disorder episode for a while," Arias included. Ronnie had an eating disorder? I had no clue.

"She did? Wow..." Harry said breathlessly. I saw Arias nod lightly, sipping his tea lightly.

"You really don't know much about Ronnie, huh?" he asked. Harry looked up at Arias.

"Not about her past, she always seems so uncomfortable with it these days." Clade looked down at his cup.

"The story she told you in Tennessee? You know, on your first day?" Clade said quietly. Story?

"Yeah, that her mother left when she was young and she was abused and hurt herself and attempted to... kill herself." Harry said the last part quietly. What? Ronnie seems so happy and joyful though, why would she be abused or suicidal? Then again, I thought Harry was okay when he obviously wasn't. Clade and Arias leaned in closer to Harry, so I responded by ducking under the kitchen counter to hear better.

"He raped her," I heard softly. I felt my heart fall to my stomach and I wanted nothing more than to sit there and cry. I could hear a quiet whimper and I realized Harry was most likely crying.

"What?" I heard silently. I could feel my breathing picking up and I attempted to slow it down. It didn't work the way I planned.

"You know, drunk sex. And when she fought back, he would hurt her," I heard Arias whisper. I could hear Harry sniffle and eventually just break down into tears. I wanted to leap up and comfort him, telling him that everything was okay and that Ronnie's okay. But I couldn't, there was no way I could.

I took a deep breath and stood, slipping away from the boys in the darkness. I was silent as a ninja as I slipped up the stairs. The second floor was pitch black as I felt the walls for where my bedroom was. I finally felt the second door to the right and slipped inside, carefully and quietly closing my bedroom door. Ronnie, raped? Abused? Suicidal? Those words rang through my head as I sat down on the floor and slowly fainted from hunger.

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