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here she is, the first chapter of LE THIRD BOOK IN MY SERIES!!! i never thought i would make it to a third book. thank you everyone who has read the different direction series and who has voted and commented on these books.

now, on with the story!


"Hazzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," I moaned, turning my head to my curly haired best friend. He looked at me, the same level of complete boredom reflected in his eyes.

"I know boo, I'm bored too." I groaned and tugged my hair from my face.

"Where's Ron?" I asked. Harry shrugged and let out a deep, tired sigh. We've been back from the safe house for a few days now, but we were still on some level of lock down. That means no visiting LA, no going back to England, and pretty much no leaving the house. Ronnie had to go out and run all of our errons for us because we were being treated like caged animals.

"I wish I knew Boobear, she's probably out getting something to eat." I layed there a little longer and sat up, my stomach growling loudly. I was always hungry these days, never fully satisfied with the ammount of food I ate. Niall must be rubbing off on me. And being underwieght to a degree didn't help me very much.

"What do you want?" Harry asked, standing up. I yawned and shrugged, too bored to really care. Harry slumped all the way to the kitchen and pulled out a frying pan, butter, bread, and cheese. Grilled cheese it must be. I smiled and layed back down, burrying my face in the sofa pillow. It was so soft and comfy.

"Has Liam or Zaill called you?" I asked, smiling into the comfortable pillow. Yes, Zayn and Niall were now a thing. Niall even moved in with Zayn when we got back into town. It seemed kinda fast for me, but I didn't intrude on their love life.They have Zaill and we have "Larry".

"No, but Liam emailed me the other day. He and Dani broke up." I sat up in suprise.

"They did?" Why?" I asked.

"Scheduales didn't work well enough. They don't hate eachother, but they aren't a thing anymore." I nodded and sank back down into the sofa pillow again. Poor Liam. They've been together for three years, and I liked Dani. She was so sweet.

"Still, that sucks. Maybe I should have Eli over soon." Harry was slightly stiff from the mention of my girlfriend, but he continued to make a sandwitch. Okay then.

"Yeah, we could double date," Harry said with a smile, covering what he was really feeling. He's not the most convincing liar ever since rehab. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

"Something up Hazza?" I asked, standing up and walking into the kitchen. He didn't look at me as he flipped the sandwitch in the pan.

"No, everything's fine," he said, still avoiding eye contact with me. Now I know he was lying.

"Harry, come on. You're not a very good liar anymore." We rarely talked about rehab directly anymore. It made both of us uncomfortable.

"Fine," he said quietly, laying the spatula on the counter and turned to me, our eyes meeting finally. "When you kissed me back at Desty's place, what was all that about? You had Eleanor, and now you..."

"Now I what?"

"Do you ever think about the kiss? Or when you got in the shower with me? Or when you... hit me?" My heart fell into my stomach at the memory of hurting Harry. I still never forgave myself for that.

"Not as much as I should think about it," I said quietly. Harry looked away from me and flipped the burning sandwitch. "We should talk about it."

"Yeah, we should."

"Did you like it?"

"Like what?"

"The kiss? It was amazing for me. Did you enjoy it?" I asked. Harry froze, then placed the sandwitch on a square plate.

"Yeah, I still think about how great it was," he whispered. I grinned a little to myself and took the plate, hopping on the countertop as Harry prepared another sandwitch. "And what was the shower thing about?" he asked. I smiled and choked some on my sandwitch. I still remember how freaked out he was when I did that.

"I was just trying to be funny!" I said, the cheese making it difficult to talk clearly. Harry grinned and scraped some butter on the bread.

"That was so wrong though!"

"What was so wrong?" Ronnie yelled from the front door. Harry and I were quiet as the little ginger walked into the kitchen with a bag covered with Walmart smileys. I think she must have gone to Wally World.

"Just this prank Louis played on me," Harry smiled, wiping some butter on my nose. I went crosseyed to see it and tried to get it with my tongue. Unfortuatly, it wasn't long enough, and I ended up looking fairly stupid.

"Yep, I have a competition with Larry," Ronnie smiled, unpacking her grocery bags. I saw some movies and I grabbed them. The Perks of Being a Wallflower, House at the End of the Street, and Lawless.

"My movie night senses are tingling," I smiled, walking my two fingers up Ronnie's back. She shivered and turned to me, taking the movies.

"It was suppost to be a suprise Louis."

"I bet it was, Ronella." Harry and Ronnie looked up at me, both shocked I said Ronnie's real name.

"What?" I asked, biting into my sandwitch. Ronnie and Harry rolled their eyes and continued doing what they were doing. I eventually grew bored and wondered upstairs to my bedroom. I smelt a little ripe, so I had this genious idea of taking a shower. I started humming some of the One Direction songs we've been working on as I undressed. I caught a look at myself in the mirror and was a little suprised at the belly that reflected back at me. But I'm still underweight, that didn't make any sense.

"That's not right," I whispered to myself, tracing my fingers over the chubby spot on my stomach. I'll have to fix that.


so, there you meh wild beasties. chapter one of Louimic. i hoped you liked it, let me know in this thing called the comments section.

play the sax, march in band, and learn how to jazz run (im working for the marching band, im in a band geeky mood :P)

~Embrina R. H. out. PANTALONES!!!

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