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im baaaaaaack


whatever, heres the next chapter :P


I then started a diet and began working out a little. Not enough for Harry to notice and get all "LouLou, you don't need to work out, you're perfect the way you are" on me, but enough to where I could get something done.

"My god this is exausting," I panted, stepping off the tredmill. It was around one in the morning, Harry and Ronnie were fast asleep right now, so I knew I wasn't being watched. I turned the tredmill off and quietly walked upstairs to my bedroom. Harry's snores filled the second floor and I wondered how Ronnie could sleep with that every night. Oh, wait a minute, I used to do that. Whoops.

I smiled to myself and stepped into my bedroom, pulling off my tank top and basketball shorts. My skin was burning and sweaty as I entered the bathroom and turned on the water. I stepped back and looked at the bump forming over my stomach. It looked bigger. How can it look bigger? I've been working out and eating right for the past few weeks, what's up with that?

I groaned to myself and hopped into the shower, hating myself as I cleaned the sweat and discust off of me.

"How the hell does that happen?" I grumbled to myself, scrubbing my nails into my scalp. I grit my teeth and looked down at my hands, blood under my fingernails. I didn't care. I was furious at myself for being so big. I finally had enough and I stepped out of the shower, avoiding the mirror as best I could. But I always found a way to look back at the mirror and wipe away the mist, revealing my hideous body. I could only stare at my chubby stomach, which I wanted more than anything to look away from. My right hand subcontiously balled into a fist and I ended up punching myself in the gut as hard as I could manage. I doubled over, feeling a horible pain in my stomach. I felt nauseous and I crawled over to the toilet, leaning my head over the rim. I breathed in the sick scent of the toilet water and finally lost my dinner.

"Oh Jesus I need a mint," I moaned, finally sitting back up from my aweful experience. I dragged myself to my feet and flushed my vomit down the toilet, feeling weak and shakey. I can't believe I actually just did that. I vomited on purpose. And it felt... good. Really really good.


"Good morning LouLou," Harry said happily as I walked into the kitchen the next morning. I felt horible. My stomach was hurting and my throat felt raw. But I pressed a smile on my face and sat in the bar stool as he mixed the pancake batter in a large bowl.

"Morning," I said quietly, not wanting to be too suspicious. Harry stopped mixing and looked at me.

"Every thing alright LouLou?" he asked, pouring the batter into a frying pan.

"Yeah, I'm just really tired." That wasn't a complete lie. I was really tired.

"Well, you can go back to bed after you eat. Ronnie and I were just going to stay down here and watch movies." I nodded and layed my head on the cool countertop. I was probably just going to be in bed all day.

"Thank you Hazza," I moaned into the counter. I felt his lips on my head and he continued to cook breakfast.

"Good morning, my little british boys," Ronnie said happily in sing-song as she entered the kitchen area. I sat my head up some and yawned, wiping the crust from my eye. She rubbed my shoulder sweetly and entered the living room to search through our large collection of movies. Harry layed a plate of pancakes in front of me and I picked up the fork that came with it, cutting into the fluffy wheat food Harry prepared.

"Eat up and get some rest Boobear," Harry whispered in my ear before kissing my cheekbone lightly. I smiled as he walked into the living room and dropped in a spot next to Ronnie. I ate my food really fast and headed upstairs, not wanting to wait for the food to digest too much. I entered the bathroom and got to my knees by the toilet.

"Here we go," I whispered to myself. I pressed my index and my middle finger together and stuck them into my mouth. They hit my gag reflex and I leaned over the can, losing the delicious food to the toilet. I did it over and over again until I was sure I had nothing left but a small level of stomach acid. My body was trembling as I got to my feet and flushed the toilet.

"Louis?" Harry asked, knocking on my bedroom door. I flipped on an air freshener I had plugged in and left the bathroom, trying to look normal.

"Yes?" I asked, opening the door. He looked concerned.

"Are you okay? It sounded like you were getting sick up here," he asked.

"No, I'm fine. Something must have fallen or something."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Go back and watch your movie with Ron," I said, faking a casual smile. He was hesitate, but he finally agreed and left. I closed the door and leaned against it, sighing deeply. That was really close. Harry almost found out. And he would be crushed if he ever did.

I took in a deep breath and walked over to my bed, flopping down on it. My laptop was on my nightstand, and I grabbed it, bored out of my mind. I started it up and began to google myself and the other lads out of pure boredom. All the lads looked fantastic. So slim and happy. But I looked bigger than all of them, wieght wise. I was the smallest, despite being the eldest. It was sickening.

"That's bloody discusting," I mumbled to myself, looking over the pictures of me preforming. Fat, fat, chubby, fat, this is horible! How can people like me when I'm so big?

I shut the laptop and shoved it under my pillow frustratedly. I was so extremely mad at this point. I stood up and grabbed my other pillow, smashing it into my face. I screamed as loud as I could into it and fell to my knees, then turned onto my back. I kept screaming and screaming like a teenage girl if she ever met me. But not the happy screams.

"Louis! What's happening? Are you alright?" Harry yelled, slamming his fist into my door. I moved the pillow off and remembered he and Ronnie were still in the house. Oh god.

"I'm fine. I just saw something scary on the computer," I said, jumping onto the bed and pulling out my laptop. Harry entered as I opened the computer again.

"What did you see?" he asked, very cautiously.

"That Slenderman video thats going around. I thought it was legit and I was scared for my sisters," I lied, almost too easily. Harry looked from me to the laptop and slowly turned on his toes, leaving my bedroom once again. I let out a deep breath and closed the laptop once again. That was close.


i got you hooked, haven't i? all part of my master plan >:D

watch slenderman, play slender, and lock your windows

~Embrina R. H. out. i know where you sleep....

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