Chapter 14

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Louis' P.O.V:

Fastly I grabbed after my phone and called him. I was happy that I still had his number, because I had been short before to ease it.

I called, but the mobile just made:

"Tuut, tuut, tuut"

And than he finally was on the phone:


"Hi here's Louis."

(Dialouge: L: Louis, T: Troy)

T: "What is your problem?"

L: "I have to ask you something"

T: "What it is it"

L: "Have you got a daugter in the ages between sixteen and nineteen?"

T: "oh ... why do you want to know that?"

L: "I'll tell you later, but give me an answer now!"

T: "I don't know."

L: "You know surely! You don't want to tell me!"

T: "It can be. My wild years were in this time. The only one who can have a daughter from me is ..."

L: "Yeah?"

T: "Sandy."

L: "Can you tell me more about Sandy? Where is she today? Where does she lives?"

T: "I've never seen her again after our one night stand, but what I know now is that she is dead."

Louis P.O.V:

Oh my god! She really could be my sister, because her bodily mum was dead too.

"Do you know that she has a daughter called Lea?" , I asked nervously.

For my surprise, he suddenly gave his answers very open:

"I knew that she had a daughter and that I could be the father, but she never told me anything although she had my adress. So I thought that I wouldn't be the father."

"Ok, but I just met her in the hotel in Doncaster, and she told me that she found out that her bodily mum is dead and her bodily father has the name Troy. And I know sure that there was justbone Troy in Doncaster in this time. I think you are her father and she is looking for you" , I told him.

I waited, but he doesn't say anything.

"Hello? Can you give me an answer?" , I asked carefully.

Suddenly he shouted into the phone.

"I'll never want to met this ugly member of our family! She is a child which I never wanted this is why I ran away and I nevet want to met her! Yes, Lea is my child!"

And he finished the call. I couldn't believe, this girl, Lea, who I just met, was my sister.

But how could I explain it to her?


Hi :)

Next chapter is online, I hope you like it :D

I know you had to wait very long for this chapter, because I had to do a lot of things for school and I hadn't much time to write on. Sorry! :(

If you can speak german, this is an important information for you. May you read my new story "Another world" ? It's about One Direction :)

And of course I wish you all a merry Christmas!  (I know it's already over but I don't care :D)

See you in the next chapter :*

Lea ♡

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