Chapter 3

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Lea's P.O.V:

She read the link of the website and was shocked. We both didn't say anything, but I knew that she felt bad.

After a couple of minutes, she asked:

"So you have alredy found it out"

What was that? A confession?

I asked carefully:

"... Am I adopt? "

She started to cry loudly:

"Lea, we really wanted to tell you, but we couldn't, because we saw that you were happy with us and we were afraid that you would leave us."

"I really don't want to hurt you, mum, because you gave me so much love my whole life! Thank you for that, but now I really want to meet my real family. "

"Your real mother is dead" , she told me, " and your dad lives somewhere in the UK. And don't call me "mum" anymore, because I'm not your mum!"

She cried harder. I said emotionally:

"You will never be my real mother, but you will always be my mum!"

And I cried too. She added me and I was shocked:

"I know .. but dad and me need some distance to you. The holidays will start in two weeks, then you can look for your real father, but please stay with a friend until the holidays will start!"

"Does that mean ... you don't want me anymore,  just because I've found out that I'm adopt?"

She said "no" ,but she nodded too.

What did that mean? I really wanted to understand her, but I was afraid that she would get out if I asked her.

So went out of my room fastly and I started packing my things. I've just packed the most important things:

- all of my school things

-some sport things

-some clothes (but not all of my clothes, because that would be too much)

-my most important bathroom things ( one han cloth, my thooth-brush and some make-up )

-my laptop, my headphones and my mobile with their upload-cables

-my money

-and OF COURSE my hockey outfit and my hockey stick )

I took my hair in a pony tail, wor over my favourite sweat jacked and black vans. Fast I wrote a goodbye letter for my parents, walked downstairs, wor my helmet and took my bike fastly and drove to Hanna's.

I couldn't believe it. I was only 17 years old and had just left my parents.

I knew it was almost impossible to concentrate myself on school, but I knew I had to concentrate on school.

I knew that I had to find out a lot of more about my dad. During I drove to Hanna's house, I asked myself a lot of questions:

"Where does my real father live right now?"

"What's my real father's name?

"Why did my real mother die?

"When did she die?

"What was her name?"

"Are my parents from the UK?"

"Why did they give me free for adopt? "

But I didn't find an answer the whole way to Hanna's house ..


Yeah, a new Chapter! And thank you for the 20 reads and the vote. I know that's not a lot but I'm very happy about every read, every vote and I would be also very happy about every comment.

The next chapter will be out if I'll get 25 reads.

And thank you for reading!!

See you in the next chapter :D

My real brother ( Louis Tomlinson ) ||finished||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin