Chapter 1

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Lea's P.O.V:

It was a normal day. I went home after school on Friday. It was weekend! I was so happy about it.

But I had to work on a project in ethics with my best friend, Hanna. It called "My name at Google images" and we had to watch what happens if we write down our names at Google images.

So Hanna and I met at my home to do our school project. During we worked we ate some chrisps.

When we had started, we first wrote Hanna's name down. There were a lot interesting pictures. There were some pictures from her on Twitter.

"Oh yes that are all the pics I've ever twittered" , she laugh.

The other pictures weren't special. There were some pictures from the country where nobody knew where this part of the country is.

Now we wrote down my name. And there were ...  my childhood pics. Why were they there? We clicked on the pictures and ... they were all on the same website! The website called

We were shocked.

"Lea ... are you adopted? "

"No! .... eehm ... I don't know. My parents never told me."

"You have to ask them. Maybe if you have another real family, they would want to meet you."

"Yes ... but if my parents aren't my real parents, why did my real parents give me away?"

"You have to find it out!"

" I think that must be a big mistake! My parents are my real parents!"

"ok. But I would ask them anyway if I were you. But let's work on now."

So we work on, but this website is very strange. I'm not really working, I think the whole time on this website ...

Hanna's P.O.V.

Oh my god! Maybe Lea was an adopted child! I went home after I had done the project with her. But I couldn't stop thinking on this website. Lea musted feel horrible! And I were going to help her to find everything out! I was her best friend, I had to help her!

But first Lea had to ask her parents.  Maybe it really was a bad joke or it was a mistake. Or she had been wrong and this pictures weren't her. I had to wait ....


Thank you for reading my story! The next chapter will be out if I'll get 10 reads :)

Please vote and comment if you like my story (:

Love, Lea

My real brother ( Louis Tomlinson ) ||finished||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora