Noel wants to leave. But he doesn't wanna leave her. He silently wishes it was just them two, don't get him wrong it's not Cody and Kelsey it's the fact they can do whatever they want when it's just them. He battles himself for a while before making the decision. "Ah guys I might head off, I have videos to edit plus Spock might come over." Rose's head snaps over to him not expecting that, she takes note of how he's adamantly avoiding looking at her. She would be lying if it hadn't stung a little. Cody and Kelsey are just as surprised but not wanting to make this room even more tension filled he complies with his best friend, "sure man go ahead, tell Spock I said hey" he walks over to walk Noel out. Noel looks back before getting too far down the hallway "later guys" he says to Kelsey before lingering and making eye contact with Rose to say something else. Translation: I'm sorry. He begins to feel even worse when she doesn't reply and walks over to the couch making it so that he can't see her anymore.

With Noel running off into the sunset leaving Rose to third wheel she sits in silence. Knees pulled up to her chest while tuning out the pair's discussion for dinner. Cody looks at his sister, not knowing what the fuck to do. He has so many questions that will be left unanswered, it's just the territory that comes with Rose. He walks over, "what do you want for dinner rose pose?" knowing from previous experience it'll get a reaction out of her, this time she just chuckles. "I'm fine." She says shutting him down. This time Cody catches on "with whatever we order right?" he adds on hoping she didn't mean that. Rose being too exhausted and pissed to defend herself she mutters a "yeah" and tells him she'll be in her room.

Flopping not so gracefully on her bed Rose feels the sudden urge to check her phone. Not knowing why. Although she does actually know why, she wants to see if Noel texted her. He didn't. She wants to punch herself for feeling that sinking feeling of disappointment which only adds onto her strong emotions from tonight. Wishing she could go on a walk or to the studio she lays silently in her bed, tuning out the voices of her brother and girlfriend discussing some random topic - probably her, before reaching for the electric guitar she's avoided for a little too long. Rose desperately wishes she was home alone right at this moment, making herself let out a small chuckle at the thought of nobody really knowing she plays. Let alone sings. She's not the best (which kills her inside) but she knows she's good enough to not sound like a dying cat. She strums along to the song in her head, quietly humming hoping nobody can hear her.

Her pity party is short-lived when her phone flashes Noel's caller ID. Oh shit he's actually calling her. She takes a moment to muster up the courage to put her pissed off voice on, clears her throat and composes herself before answering


                                            "What do you want?"    

"Well I was gonna apologise again but as we're talking I see you're ready to bite my head off."

         "I always am. You're really fucking annoying, you know that right Noel?"

"I like the way you say my name too, you know."

                                        ".. Is that all you need?"

"I'm sorry for leaving like that. I don't know what happened."

           "I do.You left. Really fucking awkwardly by the way so thanks for that."


"Why are you whispering anyways"

                                                     "I'm in my room."

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