Jennie: Nice!

Okita: Oh so that's why you chose the pastel yellow color for the bridesmaids dresses

Arthur: 😊 Yeah

Hijikata: So wait, what are the groomsmen are going to wear?

(y/n): Grey suits with red ties

Hijikata: 😐Oh okay

(y/n): Okay. Any other questions?

Others: *shaking their heads*

(y/n): Okay, let's get some rest for tomorrow and try our best to stay on schedule

Rest: Yeah!

As everyone got up and walked out of the living room and started walking to their rooms, they said their goodnights and walked into the room they're sleeping in for the night. Both Arthur and (y/n) walked into the room with the dogs and got themselves ready for bed. Arthur went to change inside the bathroom while (y/n) was waiting for her to finish changing when she got out of the bathroom. He patted her head and tell her to wait for him at his bed which she nodded and started walking to his bed as (y/n) went inside the bathroom to change his clothes. After a few minutes, he got out of the bathroom, walked up to his bed where Arthur was sleeping in, got in the covers, wrapped his arm around Arthur's waist, and pulled her into a warm embrace before whispering good night to Arthur's ear and closed his eyes to sleep.

Next day
November 16, 2020
7 AM
Your POV

Today is the day of the wedding as me and the other guys woke up early and get suited up before the girls can wake up and get Arthur ready for the wedding. We had coffee and toast for breakfast as we were chatting about today while the girls were still asleep. I told them that I was a bit nervous as Hijikata, Kio and Louie assured me that today will be a happy day which I nodded and continue sipping coffee while the other guys did the same. After breakfast, we relaxed as the ceremony will be in my garden since it's very big and it can fit about a hundred people. Both Arthur and I invited our families along with some of Artorius's friends which was about 80+. Wow, a very huge family, right?


Arthur and the other girls were already awake as they went to get ready for the special day while Hijikata and I were getting the arch ready for the wedding. Louie and Kio were arranging the flowers as they were done putting them on each side of the arch while the girls were eating breakfast. My heart is beating so fast from all of the nervousness as Hijikata told me it'll be okay. We walked inside as we saw Sakuri walking towards us and told me that Arthur's father and Artorius are her. I thanked him as I walked in to greet the two gentlemen at the entrance.

Artorius: Hey

(y/n): Hey Artorius, Hello Mr. Pendragon

Uther: (y/n), my son-in-law, I'm glad that you met my daughter and took care of her. And I wish both of you a very good life and future

(y/n): Mr. Pendragon... I mean father-in-law, thank you for your blessing, and I'll make sure to go visit you every weekend and spend a good time after our marriage

Uther: Thank you and I appreciate that

Artorius: Let's go see Arthuria, father

Uther: Alright, where's my lovely daughter?

(y/n): She's in my bedroom chatting with my friends

Uther: I see, then we'll be going and I'll see you before the ceremony starts

(y/n): Okay, father-in-law


Arthur's family had arrived first as I greeted them at the door and escorted them to the garden where the ceremony is. I met some of Artorius's friends which they were all friendly to me except for Agravain. He works for Artorius's company as a secretary and he's also cautious about his surroundings. When I greeted him, he talked seriously to me which I flinched before Artorius went up to Agravain, told him that I'm friendly and he should be friendly with me. I told him that's it's fine and that I should escort him and his group to the garden. Then my family arrived as I greeted them with hugs and pats while calling for Sakuri to escort the family to the garden. Now it was 9:45 which took me about 15 minutes to greet other people and that I still have 15 more minutes to get ready. 10 minutes later, I'm fully ready as I walked out to the garden and went up in front of the arch where Mr. Pendragon will be the officiator for the wedding.

Male!Reader x Fem! Arthur PendragonWhere stories live. Discover now