7. Encrypted Data Pax

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He just sat there staring at the wall. I knew there was something wrong; he was never like this, even when all drugged out with downers. 

"Mom, what's wrong with Dad?" He wasn't my Dad, but she said I had to call him that rather than 'Rats' like everyone else called him.

"He had to wipe his augmentations." She said standing next to me. She looked more nervous than usual (if that was possible), almost like she was gonna cry.


"Some bad people gave the authorities information against him and the peace force are coming. If he didn't clear his rem, they'd take him to prison for a long time. Just don't say anything when they get here."

Now it all made sense. It was a big surprise when I received an encrypted data pax from Rats this morning. It came with the message, "DO NOT REPLY!" and no explanation.  I guessed that he meant to send it to Mom, and I got it by mistake. He's always angry at me and didn't want to give him any extra ammo so decided to follow his instructions and wait to quiz him about it in person when I got home.  Now that I see him like this, I think that he sent me the core of this rem extension and probably also the data that was going to send him to prison.

There was a buzz at the door before it sprung open. Two peaces of armor burst through each with super big guns.  One of them leveled his gun on me and Mom, and the other pointed at Rats on the couch who had not moved an inch; he didn't even seem to notice the intruders.

I felt my heart beating fast; my throat tightened and started to throb almost painfully. I've done nothing wrong I said to myself; they're here for him.

A third one searched the other two rooms in our tiny unit and, when satisfied it was just us here, yelled "Clear!" Then the boss peace entered the room. She was pretty in a really mean way and moved like a boss too.  At the doorway, she looked at Rats and then Mom and then me. "Hello there," she said to me with a fake smile. Motioning to the other police to take my parents out of the room. Rats didn't or couldn't resist, I guess he'd be a veg until he received treatment. Mom looked at me as she was being led out -- I could read the warning in her eyes, "Don't tell them anything."

"Alexis isn't it?" Boss cop asked as she moved forward.

I nodded in reply; she was tall and stood right above me, I wanted to step back, but she put her hand on my shoulder and asked, "Did Rats give you something this morning?"

She knew! And I could tell by her grip on me that she knew that I knew too. I might only be eleven, but I know that they can't force me to give them the data. Some Protocol about your data being safe unless you commit a crime "Be good, and your data's safe; be bad, and they'll come and get it!" -- they forced us to sing that dumb song at prep.

"Mom said to delete it. It's gone." I lied, the words running out my mouth real fast. I was shaking now too.

"Is that so?" said the boss. It was not a question. 

I could feel her nails digging into my skin, "Ouch! It hurts!" She let go.

"Look kid." I'm going to send you an agent, and I suggest you hand over the pax when it arrives. If you don't, I can't guarantee the..." she bent down close to my ear and whispered, "...the well-being of your parents."

"OK. You can have it." I said. People are always telling me I don't think and just say and do whatever comes into my head. People are right -- I notice that the boss isn't wearing armor so kick her as hard as I can in the shin and, as she screams, "Ow! You little shit!!," I dart out the front door, and take the shortcut for small people. Soon I've escaped the complex.

I run to my secret hideout where I'm sure they can't find me and hook into the Environment.  I find out fast that they're looking for me in there too, and my friend James tells me there's a lot more peaces involved now, and they've brought in the bots. I sit tight and realize that sometimes it's good to be invisible.


(768 words)

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