Part 9 : A Murderer

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Mira POV

We had a fun time at PAX, but since I couldn't do much there, Chilled brought me back to the hotel early. As we were walking back, I kept feeling a presence behind us. "Chilled, is there someone behind us?" "No there isn't." "Ok then." I just assumed it was my imagination going wild, because I was blind.

"Chilled, what time is it?" I asked as he led me to the bed. "6:30 pm, why?" I leaned up to his ear, "I'm... H-h-hungry." I fell down laughing after that, he did too. "You tease, fine, I'll go get some food for us." Chilled patted me on the head, and left the room.

I just sat on the bed, trying to take in my surroundings. I know where the telephone was, and where the lamps were. So at least I could call him if i was in trouble. But I really couldn't see where anything else was. I tried to meditate, to regain my vision, but I had no progress. But I somehow felt there was someone nearby, someone I wasn't familiar with.

I was just about to ignore that presence, when I heard the door creak. "Who's there?" I questioned. I heard footsteps heading towards me. Was Chilled playing a sick joke with me? Maybe he was just tired and didn't want to talk? I was lost in my thoughts, when a pair of lips landed on mine. I instantly knew it wasn't Chilled's. It was different somehow. I shoved the unknown person away. "Who are you!" I yelled. Again no response.

I heard footsteps again. "Stay away from m-mm" I was kissed again. This time he hugged my arms and my waist tightly. I struggled to try and escape, but to no avail. He kissed me more and more. I got angry, so I created a small fire in my hands, and burned his back. He jumped away from me in pain. I held the fire close to my face, "I'm warning you, tell me who you are! Now!" I demanded. "You really can't see, can you?" Wait...


"No I can't. Is that why you are here? To play a sick joke on me?" I asked. "I think you know why I'm here." I was scared. I really do not know why he's here. "I don't know anything." I said. He grabbed my arms tightly. I felt his breath near my face. "You killed him! He was the only one who loved me! You're a murderer!" I felt a knife near my heart again. "And I think it's fair to take away what's yours. Both of you will die!" He raised his knife to strike, but I managed to fly off him. I screamed as loud as I could, hoping Chilled was near enough to hear.

"You can't fly away forever! You will die!" I felt him lunge at me, I flew again. I didn't know where to go, I was lost in the room. I felt him trying to grab my legs. I kicked him away. I tried to fly out of the room, but I smashed my head against a wall instead. I fell onto the floor with a thud. "Both you and your Chilly Willy will die tonight!" I heard him say as I slipped into darkness.

Some time later...

Still Mira POV

I woke up on the bed in a room. Was that a dream? I winced as I tried to sit up, a bandage was on my head. "Mira!" Someone hugged me tightly. "Chilled, is that you?" I asked again. "Yes it's me. I'm so glad you're okay." I hugged back. "What happened here? Where's Tom?" I felt another presence in the room. "Who's he?" I pointed to the doorway. "Hey Mira, are you okay?" "Ze is that you?" "Yea." I smiled. "So what happened?" Chilled released me. "Well Ze heard your screams from the other room, and ran over. He saw Tom about to stab you. And being the strong man that he is, he took Tom out with one punch and saved you!" Chilled laughed.

"No I didn't, I pulled Tom out of the room and closed the door. He tried to stab the door open but failed. He kept saying you're a murderer. Anyway I immediately called Chilled and the police. The police took Tom away before Chilled arrived." Ze explained. I sighed. It did happened. "What was the murderer thing about?" Chilled asked. "Erm funny story, but the first person to kill me... might have been Tom's dad or something." I explained. I sighed again.

"Ze can you leave the room? I want to talk to Chilled in private." I heard the door close. "Chilled?" "Yes my dear?" I hugged him tightly, and sobbed into his chest. I just felt sad all of a sudden. He hugged and rubbed my back. "It's okay, let it out." "He wanted to kill us both! I was powerless to stop him! Me! A god! Can't stop him from killing us!"I screamed. I couldn't stop him. I felt useless. I was useless.

Then something popped into my head. "The scar!" I saw her briefly when I blacked out. "The scar!" She pointed to both our scars, and they began to glow, and I was turned back to normal there. "You forgot." She smirks at me as she faded away.

"Chilled?" I released him. The scar, does he have it? "Do you have a scar on your chest? From the incident?" I asked politely. "A small scar, why?" "I think I know how to turn back to a normal person. Mind if you take off your shirt?" I blushed. "Okay, there. Now what." I slowly removed mine, revealing my bra. I put my left hand on my scar. I handed my right hand to Chilled. "Could you place it on yours?"

Chilled POV

I nodded as I placed her hand on my scar. "Thanks." She smiled. I felt a strange sensation on my chest. I looked down, the scar was glowing. I looked at Mira. Hey body was glowing a faint white. Slowly, her body changed. Her horns and wings shrunk, her halo disappeared into mist, her skin changing color. She looked at me in the eye, her eyes changed back to the twinkling violet that I fell in love with. She hugs me tightly.

"Thank you, for everything."

Ok I'll try to update every 2 days or so. Anyway hope you enjoy! XD

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