Part 26 : Suicidal

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Mystria POV

Soon I felt my rage flow down from my heart, down my arms, and it began to form into a familiar shape in my right hand. Reluctantly, I looked at the thing in my hand, a shiny dark object caught my eye. I lifted it to my face, to look a little closer. And I couldn't believe my eyes. A small, black knife made of obsidian that had intricate carvings on it. As I looked even closer, I saw small but readable words were carved at the base of the knife. It read:

Knife of Death

I can't believe it. The knife that kills with no pain is in my hands. It was only a legend back at home, meant to teach demi-gods to be responsible with their powers. But now I have the most powerful weapon of all time in my very hands. Think of all the evil I could do now. I looked over to Mira's body. An evil thought went though my mind. Maybe I should make sure she's dead. A grin grew on my face, as I advanced towards the lifeless body, wielding the knife in my hands. I lifted the knife to strike.

"Why did you do it!" A loud scream came from behind me. I turned, Anthony was standing, his eyes filled with tears. Hmm... Suddenly, an even more sinister thought came to my mind. I looked into his eyes, pitifully. "I didn't do it." I say as I stepped closer to him. He backed away a little, in both shock and fear. His emotions were mixed, guilt, anger, pity and sorrow were all flying around in his head. Good, a perfect timing to do this.

I walked over to him. He backed into the wall. I got even closer, until I was leaning up against him. I could feel his heavy breaths on my face. I smirked for a second, before I went back to pity. I leaned up closer to his ear, and whispered, "I didn't do anything. You did. You killed her. You're the monster who killed my only friend." I was shoved away. He slumped his body against the wall, and buried his face in his hands. "She's gone now, even I can't save her anymore! You've killed her." I yelled.

Chilled POV

No! It can't be!

I couldn't have!

I wouldn't!

Would I?

No it can't be!

I can't blame myself again!

But I did, didn't I?

No I can't!

Yes I did!

I'm so confused!

I know what she last said, but...

I really did kill her!

All because of me!

I sank into my hands and cried.

"Even I can't save her anymore!"

Her voice echoed in my head.

She's gone forever?

All because of me?

Why did I do this...

I shouldn't deserve to live anymore...

I've killed the love of my life with my own hands...

I don't deserve her...

I don't deserve it...


I looked up at her.



Unless what?

Mystria POV

He looked up from his hands, tears falling from his eyes. I look longingly at the knife in my hands. Slowly and reluctantly, I held the knife out to him. He leaned back slightly, looking closely at the knife. "This is the knife of death. Use it to kill yourself, in exchange for hers." I explained. I pretended to hold back a tear. "Or you could find someone else to kill, but I doubt you will have enough time..." I trailed off. He reaches his hand for the knife, and held it gently. I frowned, the knife was glinting in his hand, as though he was the only one who could use it.

"Why me?" He asks. I sat down on the floor in front of him. "Because I can't do it, only you..." He tilted his head in confusion. I sighed. "Because you love her, it won't work with me." He looks at me blankly, and stares at the knife again. I smirked slightly. Maybe he had to be dead too. I shouldn't miss this one chance to kill him. I have to kill him, I need my life back. Quietly, I stood up, and awaited his decision.

Chilled POV

I did it.

I killed her.

And I deserve this.

This is my one chance to repay her for everything she's done for me.

This is it.

I'm sorry Mira...

But I have to...

I need to...

I want to...

With a lone tear falling from my eyes, I aimed the knife to my heart.

I gave one last look at Mystria, she nodded slightly, tears forming in her eyes. I closed my eyes.

I'll miss you...

I hope you can forgive me...

For everything I've done...

Even this...

I love you Mira...



Yay for cliff hangers! XD Don't worry I'm gonna put what happens next soon. Sorry for le slow updates again guys. And 1.5k readers! Thanks so much guys! I really appreciate it! XD

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