"Thank you." I kiss his cheek and we make our way to the car.

"Ready?" Aiden turns around and I nod and we head to the airport. The rain really is coming down hard and I hope that our flight won't get delayed and luckily it didn't.

"Are you okay Olivia? You've barely said a word?" Brad whispers in my ear as we take our seats on the plane.

"Yeah no worries." I give him a quick smile and I look outside the small window.  The rain has calmed down a bit. It's such a movie and cuddle weather type of day.

"So exams start in a week are you ready?" Brad asks in between eating his airplane food. Ew.

"Yeah I guess and you?" I shrug.

"Yeah the library sessions have made it easier." He grins and I just smile at him. I can see his trying his best to make small talk but I'm just not in the mood. Nick really has just pissed me off.

"I'm going to listen to some music. My ears are ringing from the plane." I take my earphones and iPod out and before Brad can say anything I put them in my ears and I just listen to the music with my eyes closed.

"Liv wake up." Brad whispers in my ear and kisses me on the forehead. He took my earphones out and I lift my head and I look at him.

"We're here." He says softly again and I can see everyone is getting up and exiting the plane. We head down to baggage claim and after we collect our bags we see my mom and Dr Patterson waiting for us. You never know how much you miss someone once you don't see them for so long and I truly missed my mom.

"Hey darling." She tightly wraps her arms around me and I do the same. Gosh I love her so much.

"Hey." I say softly and she releases and greets everyone else. I give Dr Patterson a quick hug and we make our way out of the airport to the car.

"Where's Dylan and Elaina?" Aiden asks as we all get into the car.

"They've been working a 48 hour shift at the hospital so we offered to pick you up." Dr Patterson says and we drive home. Thank goodness it isn't raining but it's still a bit chilly outside.

"Nice jacket Olivia." My mom looks back at me and I can feel Brad tugging me on my arm with his elbow. He's looking way to pleased with himself.

"Thanks. Brad picked it out." I roll my eyes and I look outside the window again.

"A man with taste." My mom replies and I can see Brad has a triumphed smile on his face.

"So is it a boy or girl?" Jane interrupts. I hope I don't lose my $10.

"Going to have to wait and see." My mom states.

"So what's the theme exactly?" Aiden's voice enters the conversation this time.

"Well Jess wants all the girls to wear pink and the boys to wear blue. So wear dresses and it's semi formal."

"A pink dress?" I whine.

"Yes you have a closet full of clothes Olivia." She bellows and I roll my eyes. Pink dress and black leather jacket it is. I hate pink but I remind myself that I'm doing this for Collin and Jess and I just let the topic go. Eventually we arrive home and Stormi immediately runs and jumps onto me when I open the door.

"Hey girl." I pat her and give her a big hug and she licks my face. Brad joins me on the floor after offering to get our bags and we play with her for a few minutes.

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