Sid pulled open the front door and tried to look less sweaty. Less antsy.

"One of these days, Sidney. I swear...I'm going to kill you. What happened to you?" Whitney's eyes softened after she saw the bandages on Sid's foot and head.

"Got run down by a Citibike."

"What? You know... the weirdest shit happens to you."

You have no idea, Sid thought.

She took AJ from Whitney's arms and he burrowed his head in the crook of her neck. Her shoulder ached under his weight but she pushed it away. Instead, she inhaled him and pulled him in closer.

"I was trying to call you all night."

"Phone got shut off."

The furrowed brow slumped shoulder, look of pity. Sid tried not to see it all over Whit's face but it was there.

"I'm going to pay it today though. Don't worry." Sid remembered that she had to two hundred from Tomi in her purse...and fifty grand in her closet.

"How'd the job hunt go?"

"I got a job. I start on Monday." Sid decided it would be best to leave out the details. She still hated the fact that Tomi had to save her ass. No way she was going to start broadcasting that.

"Nice! Congrats." Whit shoved Sid's shoulder and she winced, "Sorry. Damn, how fast was that cyclist going?"

"It was my fault, I didn't look and I was drinking."

"Sid..." Whitney was about to admonish her.

"I know. I'm fine..."

"Ok, well, I had fun with my baby. He's a natural gymnast. We have another class next weekend."

"Whit, seriously, he's not your kid. Besides he's with Aiden next week."

"I know, I already coordinated with Aiden to pick him up."

"Stop talking to Aiden! Jesus! I already told you." Sidney unzipped the light jacket AJ wore that she was sure she hadn't sent him over to Whitney's with. She must have bought it for him. Sidney sighed. Regardless of everything that happened, Whitney kept up regular communication with Aiden. She felt that someone in the family needed to and it wasn't going to be their mother and it certainly wasn't Sidney.

"I will not stop speaking to him. He's the father of our child," Whitney said and stared Sid down, daring her to dissent again.

"You're so..."

"Wonderful and supportive. I know. And he told me you told him that you're seeing a therapist. Sidney, I do not count as a therapist."

"You almost are," Sidney said, with guilt all over her face. Whitney was in her final semester for her Bachelors's in Social Work. She still had to a few years ahead of her before she became licensed but she was solid enough for Sidney. Besides, she who valued having someone who understood her as a person and really understand the weights of what they lost that morning on the train platform.

"Not if you have people out here thinking I'm treating my own family members. I'll lose my license before I even get it. Find a real therapist, please. It'll help. I gotta go."

Whitney swept up AJ and kissed his cheek loudly before landing a light smooch on Sid's cheek.

"Call if you want," Whitney said before she was out of the door. She was the only one who said it that way. If Sid wanted. Not, Do you need help? Sid knew that was what she meant but just wording it differently didn't leave her with that icky charity case feeling. She was grateful for that.

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