Chapter Twenty Three

ابدأ من البداية

Webster couldn't help it. She felt her cheeks flush.

"Ha! I knew it! Your Daideo would be so proud of me! Too bad he's inside scoffing down all the sambos." her Gran grumbled.

"So, Webster, are you going to tell me?"

Webster felt herself hesitate. Was she going to tell her? She had sworn to herself on the plane that none of her Irish relatives were to know about Alex.

But this was Gran.

And with Gran, well, you never hold anything back.

So with that, Webster found herself spilling the story of her and Alex on to her keyboard and out of the tiny speaker of her laptop.


He had to admit, Webster's house looked a bit weird without the basket of flowers hanging from the porch, or the little gnome that he tripped over once when he had dropped Webster home.

It just didn't look right.

He sighed as he pulled up on to the curb and got out of his car, turning the radio off. The house already had a 'For Sale' sign outside of it. He winced at the thought of some stranger buying Webster's house.

He decided to retrace his steps up to the front door for the last time. He sounded like a fucking psycho, but he just wanted to remember what it felt like, one last time.

He started to take small steps towards her front gate, a gate that he had opened so many times before. He shut his eyes and remembered pushing her though the front gate, her hair falling just below her shoulders.

One step.

Her smile. She always smiled with her teeth.

Two steps.

Her eyes. Green with gold flecks. Kind of like stars in her eyes.

Three steps.

Her hair. It was never too long, but never too short.

Four steps.

Her tiny nose with it's little bridge.

Five steps.

The feeling of her fingers pressed lightly against his chest.

Six steps.

Strawberries and vanilla.

Seven steps.

Her glasses. They were always a little too big for her eyes. Not that he minded though.

Eight steps.

Her lips....if he even thought about them, he knew he would lose it.

Nine steps.

Her laugh. Always so full of fun, always fucking beautiful to hear.

Ten steps.

The last step, the last thing to remember.

Her voice.

He wished that it was on a CD so he could play it back over and over.

He opened his eyes, and sure enough he was there, right outside her door.

Ten steps.

That's all.

He took a deep breath as he let his fingers brush against the cold paint of the door.

Jesus, he probably looked like a psychopath...

Then he was crying again, his head falling against the door, his fists pounding at it angrily.

Why, why, why, why?

"I fucking hate everything!" he screamed as he started to kick at the ground.

Then he started to scream profanities at the sky, so loud that he was pretty sure the whole neighbourhood could hear him.

"A-Are you Alex?"

He whipped around, brushing his sleeve against his eyes to hastily wipe away the tears.

It was a little girl, she had to be only ten years old, maybe eleven.

He felt himself get embarrassed. Had she heard him curse like there was no tomorrow?

"Are you Alex Gaskarth?" the girl repeated, her voice a little more brave this time.

"Yes." he replied slowly.

The girl nodded and proceeded to hand him a small box that was wrapped in green wrapping paper.

"Uhmm....there was a girl who used to live here. Webster was her name, I think you know that anyway....but she...she told me to give you this if you ever decided to call around again. I don't know why she didn't want me to send it to you. All she said was that you had to come get it yourself....but then I asked, how were you going to collect a present that you didn't even know you were supposed to get? And she said that maybe you wouldn't come and get it. That maybe you'd forget something...but obviously you didn't because you're here and I'm glad you remembered whatever you were supposed to."

The little girl's words stunned him. He didn't know what to say, so instead he reached out and took the small parcel, his head spinning like a spinning top.

The girl nodded at him like a business woman who had just completed her task.

"It's great that you came. I thought I was going to have that parcel forever, and I'm only ten you know." she said as she smiled proudly at him.

Alex laughed.

"Thank you." he said finally, crouching down to ruffle up the girl's hair.

"It was no problem, really." she said, beaming at him.

"Your pretty cool for a ten year old you know." he laughed.

She shrugged.

"I guess."

He laughed again and started to make his way towards his car.


He turned around and saw the little girl staring at him, her head tilted to the side.

"Was Webster your girlfriend?"

He sighed and walked back over to her, crouching down again.

"I'm about to tell you something alright? And I want you to remember this for when you get older." he paused, waiting for her reaction.

"Okay." she said.

"When you get older, you might meet someone...someone a little different. And when you do meet that someone different, that someone who makes your tummy feel funny when they're around, you hold on to them, alright? Don't let them slip out of your fingers like I let her slip....don't forget about that person who really means the most to you."

The girl nodded firmly and gave him a fierce look.

"I promise I will."

He smiled at her.

"What's your name?" he asked as he stood up.

"Amelia Crawford." she said proudly.

He chuckled.

"Well then, Amelia Crawford, I do hope we meet again someday." he said with a wink.

She giggled.

"Me too. And I hope you get your Webster back."

He gave her a sad smile and let his eyes flicker down to the small parcel in his hands.

"I hope I get her back too."


A/N: This story is nearly over, I thought you ought to know that there's only like seven chapters left (I think!).
I actually loved writing this and I hoped you guy have enjoyed it as much as I have :,)

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