Chapter 6- my Slytherin friends

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Harlynn's pov: 

I had transfiguration first this morning, Ron and Hermione both had herbology so once we left the Slytherin common room we split ways. I felt lonley, I just needed some friends but no Slytherin could be like Ron or Hermione. 

     "Hey... Harlynn." I looked to my right to see Zabani and Nott looking back at me, Blaise was the one who spoke to me, he stood tall and firm next to me staring down right at me, he almost looked worried, I tried to trace his face for any hint of anger. 

     "Hello, Zabani, Nott." I glanced at each boy respectively. "Heading to Transfiguration too?" I asked. 

     "Yes, but... look Harlynn, are you okay? I know how Draco can be when he wants something and I'm sure he just wanted to protect you... he also probably didn't want you to get stolen by the Gryffindors, not that I have a problem with them but Draco does and he just wanted to make sure that you don't turn out to like them more then you like him." Zabani explained.

     "Yeah? Protect me? They are great people and I already like them more then him, why wouldn't I?" I replied hotly. 

    "Yes, Harlynn I know you do and I know Draco can be a handful but please... please just give him a chance, everyone judges him for being in the Malfoy family and he really only has three people he can really trust in his life, just try your hardest to get to know the real him, and if you don't like that one either then sure, you can forget about him and go back to hating him, please." I grumbled and looked up at him, then sighed and looked back down, shaking my head.

     "Fine, he gets three chances, starting now, you better tell him that, I'm not talking to him." I told him the deal and he smiled radiantly and me, his brown eyes sparkling. 

"Great! Just try to be civil with each other and then eventually you'll find yourself becoming friends with him," He gave me a cheeky smile before walking into transfiguration, Nott right behind him. 

    "Merlin what have I gotten myself into this time." I sighed before following them into the classroom. 

TIME SKIP: lunch

I dragged my feet into the great hall for lunch, I looked at the Gryffindors who were all waving to me, I waved back but instead of going to sit with them I walked towards the Slytherin table, I didn't fancy another shouting match so I plopped down next to Zabani. 

    "Afternoon Harlynn." He greeted. "Have you changed your mind on being civil with Draco or are you still thinking of giving him a chance?" 

     "Nah I haven't changed my mind, if the real Malfoy you're talking about is as great as he sounds then I'll just have to see it for myself." I was still a little sceptical about trying to be acquaintances with Malfoy but I told Zabani that I would give him a chance, but I swear if that git says anything rude about me or my friends, it's over. 

     "Perfect! You don't have to become best friends with him right away but just try your hardest to not pick a fight with him for today." He smiled at me.

     "Whatever. You never told me where we're going tonight you know, I have to make sure that you guys aren't going to get me expelled from this school on my first week." Zabani smiled

     "Oh we're not going anywhere, I'm sure we'll just stay in the common ro-." Suddenly Zabani stopped mid-sentence and looked at something behind me, I turned to see Malfoy staring at us with a odd look on his face. 

     "Look who finally realized what table they're supposed to sit at." He gave his signature smirk and sat down across from Zabani. "Understand that the Gryffindorks aren't actually as friendly as they seem and would never be friends with Slytherins like us?" I felt my blood boil but controlled myself. 

protect me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora