Chapter 2- Harlynn Paes?

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Hermiones pov: 

Harry had been doing his work when all of a sudden he started screaming but he would say what was wrong, I just thought he was overreacting until he fell onto the ground clutching his head, I suddenly got worried, is it his scar? He suddenly stopped screaming and went limp laying face down on the common room floor, I turned his head over to look at his scar which was fading ever since Lord Voldemort had been killed it still looked like it was fading, it hasn't been inflamed. I stood up and ran upstairs into Harry's room and frantically looked around for the Marauders map, I found it under Harry's pillow and whispered "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good" I scanned the map for my name and found it easily, looking for other people in their rooms I found three first year girls in their room and no one in the common room except for Harry still on the floor. 

One of the three girls opened the door after I knocked frantically. "Hello?" She asked me looking up

    "Hi, I'm guessing you know Harry Potter?" The girl nodded and by now the two others had gathered around the door "Well somethings happened to him and I need you three to watch over him while I go get Madame Pomfrey from the hospital wing, can you guys do that?" I pleaded. The first girl looked at her other friends but nodded. 

     "Yeah we can watch him, anything for Harry Potter" one of the girls giggled. I lead them into the common room. 

     "Sit here" I said pointing to the three chairs Ron, Harry and I normally sat at. "If anyone asks questions just make sure they don't panic and tell them everything is okay. They all nodded. I ran out the common room and down the stairs, by the time I had made it to the hospital wing I was out of breath but quickly explained to Madame Pomfrey what happened to Harry, soon enough she was running behind me with various things in her arms. We went through the portrait hole and the first years moved to a different table obviously trying not to intrude. 

    "We'll need to get him into the hospital wing without him being seen" she told me 

     "I mean... He has an invisibility cloak, I could go get it from his room" I suggested

     "Very well Miss Granger go retrieve it from his room" I ran up the stairs and into his room to dig through his trunk to find his cloak. After five minutes of digging through stuff I finally found it and ran back downstairs. We pulled Harry onto a stretcher and draped his cloak over him, Madame Pomfrey lifted the invisible stretcher with the invisible Harry into the air with her wand, it just looked like she had her want pointed in the air when she walked, nothing out of the ordinary. 

Harry got layed down onto a bed without anyone seeing and had the curtains drawn around his bed, Madame Pomfrey said that she would try to figure out what was wrong but for now I should leave. Ron joined me back in the common room after his nose had finally stopped bleeding. 


Harry had a dull headache when he opened his eyes to the bright lights of the hospital wing, he couldn't remember how he got there in the first place but his head had a dull ache that hurt more when he moved. Madame Pomfrey pulled back the curtains checking to see if he was awake, he looked over at her and was about to ask why he was here until she interrupted me. 

     "Ah, well Mr.Potter as I see you're awake... How are you feeling?" She looked hesitant. 

    "Fine-" his voice sounded higher then it was yesterday, he cleared my throat and tried again, "I'm-" still high "Something is up with my voice... Why am I here?" he asked. 

    "Why don't you go into the bathroom down over there" she pointed "and look into that mirror, we can talk about why you're here then. Why would I need to look into the mirror? What was wrong with me? he thought. Harry grabbed his glasses off the table next to the bed he was in and slung his legs off the bed, resulting in his head starting to pound again. He stood up on his shaky legs and walked to the bathroom, pushing the round glasses onto his face and looked into the mirror. He glanced at himself in the mirror but had to do a double take because he didn't recognize who was looking back at him. 

     "This cannot be happening." He whispered to himself. "please say this isn't happening, please." He looked at himself in the mirror and shook his head, his long hair shaking with it. "no no no no no no no." he gripped the sink and looked at the ground with a big sigh. He took one last look in the mirror, pulled open the door to the bathroom and walked back into the main part of the hospital wing. 

     "Alright there dear?" Madame Pomfrey was standing near the bed he had slept in the previous night. "Now, I don't have any idea of how on earth this happened... But I haven't told anyone yet because it's your choice who you want to tell but we have to tell Professor Dumbledore and Slughorn. Harry just nodded. "They know now, and should be on their way-" the doors opened  and Harry groaned. 

     "Good morning Poppy" came the voice of Albus Dumbledore "I hear we have a little problem on our hands" she lead him over to where Harry was sitting, he felt anxious. Dumbledore sat down next to his bed, you could barley see the small twinge of a smile on Dumbledore's lips. "Harry, our little problem" he tutted. The doors opened up to another voice that belonged to Professor Slughorn and he too came rushing over. "Any way to fix it Horace?" Dumbledore asked.

     "Well... Seeing as we have no idea of how the potion was made with what wrong ingredients, we'd have to remake the potion, then find the antidote it would be very difficult and would take time... Lots of time." Why did this have to happen? he thought.

     "Harry I'm guessing you don't want your fellow classmates knowing you've been changed into a girl?" Harry nodded, that seemed like a good idea.  "We'll need a new name how about... Harriet?" 

     "No offense professor but that makes me sound like an old lady"  He said with a slight laugh. 

     "Of course...hmm Hannah?" Harry shook his head "Haley?" Shook his head again, it was better but not what he was looking for "what about Harlynn?" 

     "Yeah, that one sounds good, Harlynn... We're gonna need a last name." 

     "Porter?" Offered Professor Slughorn 

     "Too similar" Harry responded 

     "Paes?" That was Madame Pomfrey 

     "Yeah, Harlynn Paes, close enough to Harry Potter but not too close for someone to figure it out," Harry decided. "I'm going to be telling Ron and Hermione professor, I can't keep this from them" Dumbledore nodded. 

     "That's settled, Harlynn... Although, one little arrangement might have to be made, Harr- Harlynn I think it would be best for you and for the progress of your antidote that you, as Harlynn Paes are in Slytherin, we would give you your own room of course but just for the success of the potion I think Slytherin would be the best option." Harry understood, but being in Slytherin with Malfoy he don't know if I could do it. But again he nodded looking at Professor Dumbledore. "Wonderful your stuff is being sent to your dorm at the moment and I'll have to come up with a story that people will believe, oh and I see that your Slytherin robes have already been sent here... Hmm" indeed a whole Slytherin wardrobe, including the skirt was now sitting at the foot of the bed. "Now I have to go sort some things out, bye now everyone" before Dumbledore closed the door Harry could have sworn he saw a twinkle in the Headmasters eyes as he left. 

Ahh Chapter 2 everyone meet Harlynn Paes, yayyyy. Yes Dumbledore is alive, forgot to mention that oops. Hope you all enjoyed watching Harry freak out over being a girl and hopefully this chapter met your standards, if not sorry it's 1:14am and I'm just finishing writing this now and have to get up early tomorrow. If you're reading this I love and appreciate you more then words can say!! I'm tired goodnight from me and Harlynn. 

-the very tired author. 

April 29th 2020 1:21am

Edited: February 28th 2021

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