Chapter 4- friend or foe?

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Harlynn's pov: 

The Slytherin common room was very different in many ways, I had been into it before, in second year when Ron and I were trying to figure out whether Malfoy was the heir of Slytherin. My least favorite thing about the Slytherin common room was that, unlike Gryffindor tower the windows lead right out to the black lake so whenever she wanted to look out her window all I saw was murky green/black water instead of the clear blue sky's and wonderful land stretching for miles, it was the disgusting slimy lake. 

I also hated the people, when I was in Gryffindor everyone knew who I actually was and I had friends who won't hex me in my sleep if they knew I was Harry Potter. Here, most people don't know me and don't bother trying to know me, only two people had introduced themselves to me and that was Malfoy and Parkinson, neither of them I would consider becoming friends with, I was just another person here which I didn't mind at all but I wanted my friends who would be with me while we were all normal people together. 

I looked around the room before starting towards my room. Before I could get my key out of my bag I felt a tap on my shoulder for the second time today, I turned around to see two people I hardly recognized as Blaise Zabani and Theodore Nott. They both smiled at me, mostly Blaise, Theodore looked like he was being dragged into this. 

     "Hello!! I am the one and only Blaise, Blaise Zabani, the wonderful, the great!!" He smirked at my reaction of slight confusion and utter surprise, a Slytherin making jokes, I'll be dammed. 

    "Nice to meet you one and only Blaise, I'm H-Harlynn Paes, just moved to this school today." I almost scolded myself for stuttering if I kept doing that people were going to start questioning my name. 

     "Wonderful, Miss Harlynn Paes, this is my dear ol' chap Theorore Nott, or Theo, whatever suits you." Blaise explained for Theodore, Theodore just nodded and rolled his eyes at his introduction but said nothing else he just smiled. 

      "Well sorry to cut this short but I have some un-packing to do before I head off to... Charms" I say pulling out my time table, they nodded and walked out of the common room. I walked into my room I had just un-locked and threw myself down on my horribly colored bed and sighed. "Time to actually unpack." 

I started to throw clothes int drawers but then I realized, I don't have any girl clothes, all these are Harry's clothes not Harlynn's I started to take most of the clothes out of the dresser but left some shirts here and there that could resemble girl clothing. I finished putting my stuff away just in time to go to charms. 

When I arrived I hadn't even realized that I had this class with the Gryffindors until squeaky Professor Flitwick, after introducing me asked me to kindly sit at the back with the, red headed fellow and brown haired head girl, my head quickly shot to the back corner where Hermione was smiling and Ron was stiffiling giggles into the elbow of his sweater. I quickly sat down next to them where I sighed. 

     "Finally I might have an enjoyable class" I smile while Flitwick explains what we're going to be doing for this lesson. "No annoying Malfoy and fake nice Parkinson, just me and my best friends." 

     "Glad to know you already miss us mate, I was worried you would forget about us and join a flock of slytherins." Ron looks down at me with and almost too serious face before breaking into giggles. Hermione only smiles and says,

    "Yes, he was complaining about it all day so far, 'I miss Harry' and 'I wish Harry was still here', oh and don't forget 'hopefully Harry doesn't make any new Slytherin friends that he claims are better than us'" she mocked Rons voice while Ron looked upset at been having his conversation outed. The rest of that class was filled with laughter, something Harry very much needed, all he wanted was to be with Ron and Hermione and not have to return to a den of snakes but the certain predicament gave him no choice. 

                                       TIME SKIP: after classes were over

Finally my last class had ended for the day and I was ready to go finish one of my assignments, go to dinner then back to my room, however I was interrupted by someone calling out. 

     "Paes!! Hey, Paes!!!" I suddenly realized that I was Paes, they wanted to talk to me. Draco Malfoy had caught up with where I stood in the corridor leading to the Slytherin common room. He smiled at me, I barley suppressed a scowl, although by his reaction I think he noticed. "Hey, what's wrong I only met you today and you suddenly seem to hate me, I don't remember doing anything wrong to you while you've been here so I'd appreciate it when someone tries to be nice you don't scowl at them, that'd be real nice." I didn't know what to say, for one why did I feel bad suddenly? Maybe I should at least try to be nice and he is right he never did anything to Harlynn so I shouldn't give him a reason to hate me as her. 

     "Right... I'm really sorry, I uh- I didn't mean to be such a prat to you earlier today or now, I'm having some problems with something... That happened at my old school." I gave him the closest lie to the truth that I could. 

    "Well... you're new so if you want to make friends you might not want to start out by scowling at them, then maybe you'll make friends easier." Malfoy teased. "So now that that's settled and done for... Friends?" I was shocked, what do I say, I can't just say yes!!

     "...I wouldn't go that far Malfoy but... Not being enemies is fine with me." He looked hurt for a second before putting on the signature smirk and raised his hand. 

     "Not enemies?" 

     "Of course." And then after several years of bullying and torment Draco Malfoy finally got his handshake from Harry Potter.  

Another chapter, Sorry again for not updating sooner. So, they've agreed to become 'not enemies' well that's a start. I wanted to say that in this chapter Harlynn explained the Slytherins and Slytherin common room very judgmental, this is because Harlynn/Harry is a Gryffindor and in his opinion everything Slytherin is gross, mean, horrible, or whatever other insult he would like to think Slytherins are, I completely disagree I love Slytherin house with a passion, I myself am a mix of Ravenclaw and Slytherin but I have nothing against slytherins this is just how Harry thinks. Hopefully everyone is doing well in quarantine, I'm getting so bored. Have a wonderful day everyone! (sorry this is shorter than normal) 

-the very bored author 

Written: Sunday May 17th 2020

Published: 1:41am

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