Chapter 3- new girl

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Draco Malfoy's pov: 

Walking alongside Pansy into the great hall, out of instinct I looked at the Gryffindor table for a certain golden boy only to see that he nor his posse was sitting at their normal seats, frowning I turned back to my table and sat down grabbing the Daily Prophet. 

     "ATTENTION EVERYONE" a loud booming voice said over the great hall only five minutes later. "I'm here to inform you that Mr. Harry Potter has transferred to... another school in England and a new exchange student will be joining us sometime later today!!" What? A new student? Why was Potter leaving? I looked over to the Gryffindor table to see Weasley and Granger sitting there looking anxious, did they know anything about Potter leaving or did he leave without telling anyone? Whatever it didn't matter anyway, why did I care about what happened to Potter? Of course I knew why, I had always felt strong feelings towards Harry Potter I was never really sure what those feelings were but they were always there, ever since that day in Diagon Alley. 

I stood up quietly and left the great hall, I had to grab something from my room before heading to Ancient Runes. 

I unlocked the door to my room and looked around at my queen bed, private bathroom and fireplace and grabbed my bag from one of the chairs around the fire. Locking my door I looked to see Slughorn talking with a girl I'd never seen before, then it hit me, that must be the new girl. I decided to go introduce myself and make a good first impression, I am head boy after all. 

     "You must be the new girl Dumbledore has been talking about, I'm Draco Malfoy, head boy." I tried to sound professional. I held my hand out for her to shake. 

     "Erm... Right, Harlynn Paes." She put her hand into mine, they were warm and something told me that it wouldn't be the last time I felt the warmth of her hand in mine. She pulled her hand out of mine after a few seconds, giving me a weird look with her eyes that were an emerald green. 

     "I didn't know you were going to be in Slytherin, when did you get sorted?" I asked trying to get a casual conversation started. 

     "Dumbledore had me sorted in his office when I got here." I nodded at her, "Goodbye, I have class." she made eye contact with me once more before turning away.  

     "Wait!! Do you need someone to show you around?" I yelled after her, I don't know why I offered to help but there was really no turning back. 

    "I'm fine" she said shortly. She gave me a scowl and walked out of the common room. What did I do wrong, all I did was ask if she needed to be shown around? Now in a worse mood than before I headed to Ancient Runes. 


Harlynn put her new Slytherin robes on, struggling with the skirt making sure it wasn't too short, she walked to Madame Pomfrey who had a pair of scissors. 

     "Come here Harry dear we have to cut bangs to cover your scar." Harlynn sat down onto a chair and Madame Pomfrey cut Harlynns hair giving her side bangs. "Alright that looks better, I've been told that professor Slughorn is waiting right outside the Hospital wing to bring you to the Slytherin common room, so grab your things and follow him." Harlynn grabbed her wand and walked outside the hospital wing, sure enough Slughorn was waiting to bring her to her room. 

Professor Slughorn showed Harlynn to her room in the Slytherin common room. Once they got there she smiled to show her thanks and unlocked the door. She scoffed, everything was green, the duvet on the queen sized bed was green the wallpaper on the square shaped room was green, the armchairs by the fire were green, even the flames in the fireplace were green!! She walked into the bathroom, the bathtub, toilet and sink were black but the walls were a mix of silver and green, Harlynn was lucky they gave her the head girls room because not only was it very nice but she didn't think she should be sharing a room with the other girls. She was so luckt Hermione wasn't in Slytherin. Harlynn checked the time and gasped, she had to be to class soon! She grabbed her bag and walked out the door, locking it behind her. 

Harlynn walked out of her room and Slughorn quickly called her over to talk about classes but she wasn't really paying attention. A certain blonde had just walked out of his room, the one right next to hers, she quickly looked back to Slughorn, Harlynn couldn't believe she was stuck in Slytherin with him, she would honestly prefer Voldemort over Draco Malfoy... Harlynn's thoughts were interrupted by footsteps, she looked up and saw that Malfoy was coming her way, Slughorn took that as a cue to leave. He stuck his hand out as he introduced himself all high and mighty, she looked at his hand and decided to be a decent human being and shake it back.  She took his cold hand in hers and shook it for a few seconds, hoping he couldn't feel the hatred radiating off her at the current moment. He talked to her like she was a normal person, not his arch-nemesis. Harlynn didn't want to be on his good side after everything he did to her and her  friends. 

     "I'm fine" Harlynn snapped after he asked to show her to class, she stomped away not wanting to see his face ever again. She's seen that annoying prats real colors, how could he think that she would ever see him differently.

She can't believe this is happening , all she wanted was this year to be normal but nope suddenly she's a girl who's in Slytherin no less and Draco Malfoy just tried to be her friend, she defeated Voldemort and thought that her life would be easy now, nothing can ever be easy anymore can it? She looked down at her schedule and almost groaned, divination with Hufflepuff, that means she won't know anyone and no one will know her, awesome. 

she arrives in the divination room and looks around, most people looked at the door probably wondering who she was, Professor Trelawney quickly announced,

     "Ahh.. a new student I sensed your arrival!" a few people snickered, while Harlynn faked a confused look. "Go ahead and sit next to Miss Parkinson" she sucked in a breath, another person who bullied her, wonderful! but she put a smile on her face and walked over towards her table and sat down. 

     "Nice to meet you, I'm Harr- Harlynn Paes, I'm new here." Pansy eyed Harlynn for a few seconds, maybe seeing if she was a worthy friend before responding with a small smile. 

     "Pansy Parkinson, nice to meet you, Professor Trelawney is an old fraud by the way." Harlynn gave her a fake laugh and turned back to Professor Trelawney pretending to listen to what she had to say. She sat through the whole hour not paying attention to anything anyone was saying, at the end of class she stood up and glanced at her time table, she had a free period, yes perfect!! Harlynn walked down the steps leading to the divination room, she was headed towards the Slytherin common room but felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around and saw her two best friends smiling at her, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. 

     "Hi, I'm Ron Weasley" he gave Harlynn a little wink, Dumbledore had told them what happened to her but they must've decided to 'introduce' themselves. 

    "And I'm Hermione Granger, it's very nice to meet you" she gave Harlynn an overexaggerated smile.  

    "It's very nice to meet you guys too, I'm Harlynn Paes, just moved to this school today" she winked and held in the laugh that was bubbling in her throat. 

    "Well Harlynn, Ron and I have class but it was nice meeting you and I'm sure that we'll be seeing you again." She smiled and waved and Harlynn returned the gesture. She wished more than anything that she was heading to class with them as Harry not Harlynn. She sighed and headed for the common room. 

Well everyone that was another chapter, I want to apologize for not updating sooner, I plan on making another chapter today or tomorrow again I'm very sorry. Draco and Harlynn 'meet', it's not going so smoothly right now but they'll get used to each other eventually. I want to say thank you to everyone who is reading this and feel free to leave comments/ critiques. Hope everyone is doing well in quarantine and hopefully you're not too bored, have a great day!! 

-the author who is very over covid-19 

Written: May 11th 2020

Edited: February 28th 2021

protect me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora