Chapter 483 That Fried Rice Was Delicious!

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In his eyes, the princess was a goddess who could not be soiled. He could only look at her from afar, and even that filled him with a profound sense of satisfaction.

He swallowed his first mouthful of fried rice, and it flowed down his throat like a warm stream. He was immediately struck by a sense of warmth, and the fragrant flavor of the fried rice lingered in his mouth even after he had swallowed it.

That's the taste of the Spring of Life! A hint of surprise flashed through Blour's eyes, but he soon realized that it was nothing to be alarmed about. 50 years ago, anyone caught selling the Spring of Life to the outside world would be strictly punished by the elven race. However, selling the Spring of Life had since become a way for many elven nobles to earn money quickly.

As long as one had enough money, it wouldn't be strange for them to be able to purchase some Spring of Life in Chaos City. It was just surprising to him that someone would add the Spring of Life to fried rice. However, it was exactly because of this final ingredient that the fried rice seemed to be more complete, and he couldn't help but want to devour another spoonful.

How could there be such delicious food in this world? The ingredients are so simple, but the flavor is absolutely amazing! I can't stop eating!

Blour scooped another spoonful of fried rice into his mouth, and was treated to another intoxicating explosion of flavor. Compared to the sweet wild fruits from the Wind Forest, this fried rice was on a completely different level. It was as if the dish was imbued with mystical magic powers that prevented him from being able to put his spoon down.

I can only eat half a bowl at most! I must strictly regulate every grain of rice that enters my body! I must only eat at caloric maintenance! I must live up to my word!

All of those thoughts only flashed through his mind for a split second before being completely discarded. In that moment, the Yangzhou fried rice was the only thing in his eyes!


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"That fried rice was delicious."

The spoon created a crisp ringing sound as it struck the porcelain plate. Blour wore a content smile on his face as he praised the dish that he had just consumed. His expression then faltered slightly at the sight of the spotless plate in front of him, and he decided to lick his spoon for some reason.

Everyone around him had fallen silent, and Blour's hand also stiffened with his spoon in his mouth. He looked at the three demons to find that they all wore surprised expression. He turned to the other side, only to find Constantine appraising him with a slightly peculiar look. Finally, he looked down at Amy to find that she was wearing a confident smile on her face as if everything had gone according to her plan.

This... How did I end up finishing the dish?! And I licked the spoon as well?! Blour felt as if he were about to faint. He had made a solemn promise that he would only eat half a portion of fried rice, and not a single grain of rice over that quota. However, there wasn't even a single grain of rice left, and the plate had been licked spotlessly clean. Furthermore, he was struck by the urge to order another portion of fried rice.

Blour's cheeks were a little flushed. He looked at the empty plate with a remorseful expression, and thought to himself, According to my calculations, this has already exceeded twice my required daily caloric intake. Also, due to the fact that I consumed the dish so quickly, it's very likely to result in indigestion.

"Big Sister Shirley, you ate the whole thing after all. Your body is much more honest than your mouth. As expected, no one can resist Father's cooking." Amy looked up at Blour with a sweet smile before suggesting, "Would you like a tofu pudding or ice cream after your rainbow fried rice? They're also super delicious."

The three demons sitting at the table all burst into laughter. They were curious to see whether there really was someone in this world who could resist Mag's cooking, but they had just verified that such a person didn't exist. After that, all three of them dug in to their own roujiamos and braised chicken and rice.

Yabemiya was also chuckling with her hand over her mouth. This elf sure was amusing. But then again, there really wasn't anyone who could resist Mag's food.

"No, there's too much sugar in dessert food which will make me gain weight, so I definitely won't have those." Blour shook his head with a decisive expression, but he felt as if his cheeks were burning as he sensed the amused smiles on everyone's faces. He looked at the empty plate in front of him, and he simply couldn't help but say to Yabemiya, "Please get me another Yangzhou fried rice, though."

"What a pity. I can only ask Father to let me eat another ice cream then." Amy sighed before making her way over to the kitchen.

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