"I'll be fine and thank you," I said. I reach into my purse and grabbed my staff. Mom got me a metal staff that folds in itself an eight-inch rod. I can easily put it in my purse. If I push the button on the side it will expand to full-size staff less then a second.

I head towards the door the brunette described. I held firm to the small metal staff in my hand as I exit out the door. The sun had already set and it's completely dark now. A light shine over the side door illuminating some for the parking lot. I question if the brunette has done this before and I wonder Dave may catch on where I've gone. I walk along the building with my hands shagging wonder will Dave find out. I don't know why know I'm fearing him if he does find me. I've been having constant training over the last month with self-defense. The fact that he brought multiply girls here and the brunette has given them the same tip. He could very well know about the side door escape.

"Spencer," called a male voice. I push the button on the staff. It shot out to full length. In one motion I took a defense stance and I pointed at the voice who called my name. Not inch away from the tip from my staff stood Leo.

His hands fly up unharmed stance. "It's Leo," he barks out.

"Fuck, Leo. Don't do that," I release my breath.

"What's going on? Why are you nervous," he steps towards me.

"Spencer," called Dave from the front of the restaurant. " I know you exit the side door. We need to talk," he bellows out.

"Help me," I pleaded.

Dave comes around the corner spotting me. "Why did you leave our date," he asked. Leo's eyebrows go up in shock and look at me with a shocked look. Leo gave me the questionable look what have I've been up too.

Dave walks towards us. Leo steps in front of me with a wide stance crossing his arms.

"Leave," Leo snarled.

Dave only hesitates for second and kept walking towards us. "She's my date." Leo growls. "Find your own," he battered.

"Take one more step. I'll break your arms," Leo threatens in low voice. A growl continues to vibrate low in his body. Dave finally stopped but doesn't leave.

"Spencer, come here," Dave waves me to come to him. He said as he expects me to actually listen.

"No. This date is done, "I insisted.

"She's mine," Leo barks out. Leo turns and lifts me into his arms. I shriek not expecting it. Leo's eyes focus forward and he carries me towards my brother's red 80's ford. I look over Leo's shoulder and see Dave fuming where he stands.

"I'm calling the cops," he yells. Leo didn't slow and pulls the door open. He all, but throws me across the bench seat. He slams the door behind him and turns the key. He grabs the gear stick and jerks the truck in reverse. I grab the door handle to keep from sliding into Leo. He jerks the stick forward and slams on the gas pedal. I heard gravel fly under the tires as the truck flies forward out the parking lot onto the pavement. Leo moves the stick again switching gears as we plow down the road.

"Distract me or I will go back kill your date," he hisses between his teeth. His eyes glow gold and fear shoot up my spine.

"You can't shift or kill him," I bark out in desperation.

"Princess, I'm trying, but I need you to distract me," he snaps back. His iris start to change to his wolf's eyes. He's gonna lose it if I don't think something.

"Um... "I blurted out. I'm trying sort threw my thoughts on what to do.

"Last year, I went skinning dipping, and the golf clubhouse called the cops on us. We went shrieking through two miles of woods with our purses trying to get away from the cops. We saw them pulling into the parking lot about fifty yards away and we flew out that lake so fast as we were cats in water. We only time to grab our purses and busted our assess so fast to the woods. Their flashlights caught the sight of my bum and I'm still mortified a fifty-year-old man saw my ass. Luckily enough we sneak back on to campus because a friend got clothes for us from our room."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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