Let The Pain Begin

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Chapter 5

The door shut behind me as I walk out into the night air. The air is cool for early summer. I could hear chirping and rusting of small animals nearby. The lodge is still quiet exiting the building. The building sat up on a small bluff looking at a deep stream that cut right through the territory. There's a balcony off the lodge the leans over the bluff. At the bottom of the bluff, use to a dock. As kids, we all jump off the dock or swing off a rope into the water. The stream looks like harmless fun, but at the bottom of the stream lay secrets.

The dock is no more and there is no more string anywhere to swing from. An iron fence marks off the old beach boundaries. Grass and weeds cover the old beach now. The stream can only be enjoyed by looking at it and not by being in it. Dad confesses he had it all tore away after I moved away. I know he did to make me feel safe. He had been trying to make my home safe for me again, so I would come back home. I convince him to let me go to a summer boarding school program. It had been a plan for me to be back at the end of summer. I told them I needed more time before I felt more comfortable coming back. That summer turned into three years of boarding school. The plan had been for me to move back the end of my senior year in high school. I never got on the bus and ran off to do a summer internship with a friend instead. That's why Kate stay with me for the last few days at my college. She said to help me finish packing, but I knew my dad gave her orders to get me home.

"Spencer," asked an unsure unfamiliar voice. A chill ran up my spine. I spin around and see Leo carefully approaching me. His hands were up to show his not dangerous. "Are you okay?" he asks eyeing the stream over my shoulder because he knew the truth; my secret.

"I'm fine," my voice blurts out an auto-answer.

"No, one would be fine after doing what you just did," he responded walking to my side. Leo, my savior and the person I could live never seeing again.

"How bad is it in there," I turn back to face the view.

"There's a lot of chatter and questions on what happened. Did your dad ask you what you wanted," he asked looking at me. My breath caught. His the first-person ask me that being back here. I look at his dark eyes. Small flickers of fire on the night post flash in his eyes.

"No, he didn't. He did tell me of his plan, but I didn't know it was a certain thing," I responded.

"Spencer, Dad wants you in his office now," Sam snarled from the door. He stood there hinting with his hands move towards the packhouse.

"Do you want me to go with you," asked Leo.

Again, my mouth went into autopilot. "No, I'm fine," I reply heading towards my brother.

"I'll come, "Leo must have made up his mind instead. Why did he care so much?

"Leonard! You're dismissed, "Sam hiss. He gives Leo a warning glare. Dismiss? Oh, I get it he had been supposed to be babysitting me. The man is only following orders of coarse.

"Spencer, "Leo grabs my wrist.

I stop to look back at him and to see what looks like concern. "I'm fine," my bitch tone comes out. I pull back my wrist and followed Sam home.

Sam did not attempt to say anything and I thrilled for it. If we could link, he wouldn't be ranting about me being disrespectful. He would have to talk out loud to rant to me. He's not going to so no one hears it. The alpha's family doesn't like to hang out their dirty laundry. As a kid, I got to yell at behind closed doors only.

We walk into Dad's office. Dad is behind the desk giving an unreadable face. Shit, not good. Mom stood behind dad leaning against the bookshelf with her arms cross. Sam closed the door and the soundproof room worked its magic against werewolf's hearing.

The House Of The AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora