Going Home

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Chapter 1

"Spencer Massey," my name is called from the podium. I'm shocked with enthusiasm as I sat up from my chair and head towards the stage stairs on the right. I felt all eyes to my back as my gown ruffle all around as I walked. I looked nearly identical to everyone who is sitting in chairs on the gymnasium floor. I heard my cheer squad calling from the bleachers and I felt a blush crept up cheeks as I climbed the stage stairs. I walked across the stage to see Miss Skeer smiling at me. She had been the one to called my name and as been my biggest fan the last four years. I look up at my cheer squad, my family. My mom, little brother, my uncle Cho and childhood friend Kate stood up yahoo at me and calling my name. It crushes me a little knowing my dad isn't there. I knew he isn't up there. Deep down he is the one I wanted to be there rooting for me the most.

I blink away the overwhelmed emotion of the moment and I adjust the microphone down to my short stature. "Well, we did it, " I fist pump into the air to start off my speech.

Most people had left the gymnasium to take pictures. My family won't be taking part in such traditions. There are only a few handfuls of photos of my family around the house for special moments. The constant praises and colorful flowers in my arms make me forget such normal traditions. "I don't understand why such a big commotion for graduating college, "said my mom eyeing all the decorations and the school's flags pinned around the gymnasium. Mom had been homeschool like most of the people I know who I grew up with. College wasn't even thought of concern.

Mom's messy curly dark brown hair is back in a messy bun. Her bun makes it hard to tell how long her hair truly is. Her hair pinned back does show off her lean face and a round chin. She doesn't own a single thing of makeup. Her rosy cheeks and full lips can make any college girl envy of her looks. It's easy to see where I get my looks including her brown eyes. Her toned arms and slender torso makes all the other mom's here jealous. Mom did have some great genes even if they weren't all human.

"Ma'am it's normal for such things like the flowers and signs," Kate respectfully replied to my mom. I mouth thank you to her. I know she had been the one to think of cheering my name, the sign that spelled out my name, and the lovely flowers. She is a breath of fresh air of feeling normal among my class peers. "Can we get some pictures before we head home," she said suggesting to exit the bleacher area. Kate is every human male's, ideal woman. She has big breasts and a narrow waist. Her muscle legs show how activity she really is. Her doll face and soft jaw made her best model poster babe. Her big noise might work against her though and she didn't care much for looks as she came dress in plain navy dress and flats. Dressing up didn't happen much for my family.

"Is it really call for such things. We proud of you, Spencer, but isn't this all little too much," my mom muttered.

"Let, the girl have her moment Amie," my uncle patted my mom's shoulder. "This is a big moment for her. Let us for once follow the normal traditions as everyone else and get some pictures." Uncle Chao is a beast of a man. Some of his animalistic traits shine through into his human appearance. He's one of the tallest men I know. He lacks hair on top of his hair, but his full beard made up for it. He had chipped tooth from an old fight. He had a long torso and long arms to go along with his height. No skin of his arms is left uncovered with all the arrange of animal tattoos.

"I don't know," my mom muttered in the hallway as we all line up trying look like other families taking pictures. Usually, everyone stood around the graduate as their graduate is being honored. The person with the most authority stands in the meddle. My mom and brother are in the middle. I put my uncle beside my mom and I stood by my brother. Kate stood on the other side of me as my school friend Rebbecca took our picture.

"SMile," she said esthetically as my mom or uncle didn't smile at all. They look as they were getting their mugshots. It didn't matter to me because these moments are rare for my family to be here supporting me. I will forever cherish this photo. I thank Rebbecca and congregated her. She offers an invitation to a party my dormitory is throwing for the graduates. I decline for the first time in years to an invite. I am heading home for the first time in seven years. I'm determined to have one more year with my family before I moved away. However, they thought I'm permitting moving back to the area so they can keep an eye on me.

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