Stupid Mistake

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Chapter 12

Going on a date had been the worse idea I had in a long time. Dave sat across the booth from me in a retro family restaurant. He has shaggy mob hair and his beard ran down his neck. I watch his food fall into his beard.

My stomach rolled and I lost my appetite halfway eating my burger. Dave's picture online had been a picture of him clean shave and styling in a suit. His profile said his recent graduate with a degree in business. I had been impressed by the details he gave in the questionnaire portion of the profile. He wrote in his profile how he learned motivation and teamwork from being on his rowing team. Come to find that out he graduated five years ago and the profile had been created five years ago.

"Are you going to finish that," he asked spitting out food as he talks pointing to my burger. I can't do this anymore.

"Can we talk for second and stop eating," I asked. I can't watch him eat anymore and I have an hour to go before my ride comes. I didn't have a phone to call for my ride sooner, so I'm stuck with my bad decision to deal with.

"We just got our food," he gestures to his half-empty plate.

"I'm not very hungry and I would like to talk you without the food in your mouth, "I said grimacing as he ate with his mouth open.

His cheeks redden and he drops his burger on to his plate. He grabs a napkin and aggressively whips his mouth. He throws the napkin down on his plate and gives me looked an irritated look. "What do you want to talk about," he taunted giving me a bored look.

"I want to get to know you better," I said gesture to him with an upper ware palm.

"What do you want to know," he asks taking a drink from his soda.

"Why did you ask me out," I asked.

"You are hot like an exotic Jasmine from Aladdin," he uttered. I wanted mentally smack myself for hearing that comment. I'm sorry I ask that question.

"Um, thanks, but what else?"I ask.

"Oh! You're one of those girls," he points at me.

"One of what girls," I ask confused by his remark. I played with my straw in my glass.

"You only want compliments," he snaps out.

"No, I'm not. You've barely talked. You seem to care more about what going on with your food then trying put effort into this date, "I raved.

"No, no. I know what you want," he snaps at me. "You're hot, you're beautiful, you have a great personality, and I think we have a lot common," he rambled off as he rehears what he had said. "Now, let's eat," he suggests, He grabs his burger and continues to give his food more attention in ten seconds then he has to me this entire date.

"You're right. Enjoy the food," I insisted as I grab my purse and stood up from the booth.

"Where are you going? The little girl's room that way," he sneered spraying his food pointing in the opposite direction I'm facing.

"I'm gonna pay for my food," I said and turn head towards the register.

He stood up from the booth. "You're not gonna even get mine," he shouted as he offended. Yeah, Spencer, this had been one of your worse ideas to date, I mumble to myself as I walk away ignoring him.

I got to the register and paid for my food. "He comes here a lot with girls. You aren't missing anything," said a petite brunette ringing up my food.

"Go through this door and there's a door on the right you can exit out. I'll keep him distracted before he finds you. Do you need me to call anyone," she asks as she said all this before. I thought is there anyone I could call? My mind drew a blank who I could call. My college phone had all my numbers prerecorded, so I never remember any of the numbers from home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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