More Will Solace

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Will: *seeing Nico in the distance* Who is that?
Kayla: Nico diAngelo, The Ghost King, Son of Hades.
Will: He's handsome.
Kayla: He's dangerous.
Will: Now he's even more handsome.

Will: How many times do I have to tell you that you have to let me know when you leave home!
Nico: It was only 10 minutes! Jason wanted to show me his new LEGO set!
Will: You were gone for TWO hours. I thought someone had kidnapped you!
Will: I called Annabeth and now everyone is looking for you on at least 7 countries!
Nico: uhhh....ok

Will: Totally random, but if for some reason I started dating Nico diAngelo, would you guys be ok with it?
Kayla: Yeah, of course.
Austin: Wait, you're not a couple yet?
Will: ???
Kayla: Austin, you're supposed to act like you haven't seen the secret glances and totally not platonic hugs before.
Austin: ohhh
Austin: yEs WiLl, WhY do yOU aSk?
Will: ....

Will: Dad, how does it feel to have an amazing child?
Apollo: I dunno, ask my dad, Zeus.
Will: Yeah, Artemis is pretty cool.
Apollo: *chokes on his coffee*
Artemis: *out of nowhere* Yeah! Choke on that!

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