"I know"

"Everyone ready to go?" FP asked once he had made sure that Jughead was ready to walk. The other three hummed, nodded or gave a thumbs up, so they headed inside the hotel. In the lobby, Jughead couldn't help looking around. Everything was the same. Just as he remembered. FP walked over to the check-in counter and Jughead followed while the rest stayed behind.

"We booked two rooms for two and one for one person" FP said and the man nodded, asking for his name. By giving his ID over, the man checked on his computer before nodding. He turned around to the wall and then reached them three keys.

"There you go. Room numbers are on the keys. Our reception is open all the time if you ever need anything or have questions"

Jughead didn't recognize this person.

He must be new.

FP got the keys while Jughead pulled the beanie further down his face before the two walked back to the group.

"Okay, Archie, you take Cody up to your room. Betty and Veronica, you help me with the luggage. We will meet up at your room again" FP explained, directing the last part to Archie as he reached him one of the keys. Archie set off and Jughead glared at FP before following him.

"So how come you literally live in a hotel?"

"I mean, dad does own money, he's on tour all the time after all. There was no reason for us to have a house at that point. Mom... She uh is a singer. She didn't want to move around too much though, because of me and Zack, and Mr. Moseby, the hotel manager, was a good friend of hers. He offered her a deal. For singing, we were able to stay here"

"Ah, that makes sense"

"You don't have to watch over me 24/7, you know that, right?" Jughead asked as the two walked over to the elevator. Archie turned to look around the hotel before shrugging.

"I know"

"So why are you still following me?"

"Because FP told me to" He shrugged again.

"You act like a little puppy"

"You always said that you liked did"

Right. Archie knew him. Archie knew things about him that he didn't even know himself. Like the fact that he apparently liked when Archie was behaving like a little puppy, following his every word — which was rather stupid.

Jughead quickened his pace, ignoring his sore legs and burning arm. The bandage had loosened and therefore the crutch was scraping on the sore skin. He wasn't able to outrun Archie though. The redhead had caught up to him after three steps, then walked aside him until they arrived at the elevator. Archie pressed the button and then they walked in.

"Which room?" Jughead asked once they were inside. Archie looked at the keys before saying that they were in room 221. Jughead nodded and pressed the button to the 2nd floor. The two waited in silence until the 'ding' announced their arrival. The elevator doors opened and they stepped out, looking at the signs on the hallways to figure out in which direction to go.

"Okay, to the left" Archie said and started walking until he stood in front of the door with a golden 221 labeled on top. He grabbed his key and unlocked the door. Jughead had caught up to him by then and walked inside first. The only thing left to do was walk over to the single bed crash down on the bed with a groan. A slower fall would have been beneficial, yes, but he didn't care. All that mattered was that he could lay down without having to use his muscles anymore. He stretched a last time, moaning in delight before his eyes closed.

"Cody...?" Archie whispered when Jughead didn't move anymore "Hey, you still awake?" He got a soft hum back. Archie looked at him confused, hesitating.

"Do you perhaps want to get out of your shoes and jacket before sleeping?"

"Nah. Sleep"

"Oh come on. At least put off the shoes, Cody" Archie said, though didn't get any answer anymore. He sighed softly before taking off his own shoes. Tiptoeing over to Jughead's bed, he carefully untied his shoe laces to slip off his shoes easier before grabbing his blanket in order to drop it over him.

"There you go, Juggy" He whispered.

Someone knocked. Archie quickly headed over to the door to answer it before they would knock again.

"Got the luggage" Betty said, smiling as she reached Archie both bags "Where is J- Cody?"

"Asleep" Archie whispered "Thanks for bringing up the luggage"

"No problem. FP is asleep, so we basically have a free evening. V and I plan to go and explore Boston a bit. Want to come with us?"

"Uhm... no, I think that I will pass on that"

"Okay, we see us tomorrow at breakfast then" She smiled and gave him a short hug before heading down the hall. Archie, arms still full with the luggage, walked inside their room again and closed the door with his foot. He placed his bag on his bed and Jughead's next to his bed. He unpacked most of his stuff before pushing the bag under his bed. Sitting down on his bed, he sighed softly as he watched Jughead sleep. The boy had rolled around by now, facing him. Archie could see his pale face, his soft lips, the long eyelashes.

"God, I love you so much..." Archie couldn't help it and stood up again. He walked over to Jughead's bed as quietly as possible before sinking down in front of him, hand reaching out to softly drive a hand through his hair.

His lips were so close. Archie just needed to lean in and he could kiss him again, only softly, barely touching him, just enough to get the feeling again. But he couldn't do it, not now, not as long as Jughead couldn't remember him, couldn't remember them.

He did kiss his forehead though, briefly.

Barely touching, really.

"Goodnight, Juggy"

He laid down in his own bed, curling up on himself while facing his roommate. He watched him sleep until his own eyes dropped close and he fell asleep.

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