I'd managed to move around a bit more these last few weeks, the cuts and bruises were near non existent, the scars would remain though.
I'd even managed to make dinner for me and Alf tonight.
It'd be fucking cold by the time he gets home though, apparently a bunch of shipments have been muddled up... bet his men are loving that.

Alfie agreed to keep my women happy as well, to get them what they needed when asked for.
He seemed to be a lot softer on my workers than his.
Whether it was because they were mine or because they were women I wasn't sure, but I appreciated his efforts.

I was halfway through reading a contract from a Walter Thomas when I heard the door click
I looked up confused, Alfie was going to be late, and Evelyn had left barely an hour ago.

I reached over the table, grabbing my gun and silently getting up, I made my way to the door and hid behind it.
The handle turned and slowly opened, I waited quietly, seeing the back of a man enter the room, with greyish hair.

I put my gun up to the back of his head, he sighed and put both hands up
"Who the fuck are you?" I asked harshly, frozen in place as I then felt a gun pressed to the side of my head, I glanced sideways to see another man, in a suit, holding a gun in his gloved hands.

"If you put the gun down I can tell you podsolnukh" the older guy said, his entire stance radiated power, like he didn't give a fuck that a gun was pointed at his head.
He also had an American accent, with a hint of Russian it seems.


I lowered my gun, in turn causing the other guy to lower his
"Shall we?" The older guy said, not sparing us a glance as he sat down opposite the seat I was sat in
Harley and Cyril didn't seem to batter an eyelid... some fucking dogs.

The other guy sat down next to him, another man I hadn't noticed shifting from the doorway to sit the other side of the old man.
I sat down where I originally was, stacking all my paperwork back up and closing the folder.

I didn't know who these men were but they seemed quite bright, even if they were dumb enough to stroll into my fucking house
I wasn't going to chance one of these fuckers looking at something they could later use to their advantage.

"You're not going to ask who we are?" The man asked slightly amused
I shrugged
"I figured if you strolled in here unarmed like you owned the fucking place... you'd have some idea of what you wanted to say no?" I asked with a slight tilt of my head.

He smiled
"You're just like her" he said, I know he wants me to ask who... but I'm not playing into his games, so I stayed silent.
"You have her eyes... that kind of green that mesmerises a person... but hers were green with envy, yours... they're green with power" he stated.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about my mother like she was a jealous whore" I said casually, trying to seem unaffected by his words.

It was obvious he was talking about my mother, and I wasn't an idiot, I'd heard the story of my father time and time again, I was obsessed with hearing about him as a child.
He was from America, and had left my mother for his own family.

Anyone with eyes could tell these two fuckers sat next to him were his sons.
So that meant this guy was either my father... or knew him.
So I took a gamble
"Mr Cortéz I presume" I said simply, making his smile widen.

"I've heard stories about you podsolnukh, kept track of you all these years, they said you were ruthless. But I didn't expect you to be so... smart" he said with a slight chuckle
So he was my father
"What do you want?" I asked, leaning back on the sofa.

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