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"A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man"
                                                  -Don Vito Corleone

"A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man"                                                   -Don Vito Corleone

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Mariana's POV

It's been two months.
Two months of trying to recover from this pain in the ass gunshot.
I forgot how much getting shot hurts
Alfie hasn't left since the day he moved in, he takes care of me, makes me breakfast, goes to work and then comes home and fusses over what I've done during the day.

It's been quite nice though, having someone there to worry about you, to sleep with at night, to make sure you're taking care of yourself.
There was a minor hiccup when Alfie had gone looking for my painkillers... finding my cabinet of meds that I failed to take.

I then had to sit down and have a conversation with him about the medicines I'd been prescribed over the years.
They were supposed to help, to stop the horrible thoughts in my head.
As well as the voices, the visions... the shadows...

But they never worked, not for me anyway, so I never took them, causing me and Alfie to have a huge bust up over it.
He insisted that I take them, that meds weren't prescribed for no reason, we didn't speak for 3 days until I finally let up, agreeing to only take a few.

They were a pain in my ass now as well, they made my head hurt most of the time, and my body ache, but it had got Alfie off my back.

I also wasn't allowed out of the house, Sabini was kicking up a fit down his end and Alfie was worried someone would 'get me' as he kept saying.
So I was confined to these four fucking walls.

I had to conduct all business through the telephone, or when Dorothy and Ruth would come and visit me.
I spoke to Pol every now and then.

She updated me on everyone when she'd ring, I also talked to Nala as much as I could, she's worrying about me non stop and although I appreciate her care... it was getting fucking annoying.
She was young, she needed to live her life and stop worrying about me all the fucking time.

I haven't heard anything from Tommy since that day at the Derby.
I don't know whether Pol's keeping him away because she's still mad at him or whether he just doesn't want to speak to me.
Either way, it's nice to have a bit of a break from him.

I was now sat by the fire, Evelyn had gone out with some friends so it was just me, Harley and Cyril.
Cyril had moved in about a month ago when Alfie still refused to leave me living alone.

The dogs had taken to each other rather quickly, both snuggled up under the window as I tried to sort through the mountains of paperwork I was behind on.

Mariana's Outfit

Mariana's Outfit

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