Happy Birthday To This Weeb!

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Y/n: Umm. I feel uncomfortable.

Kazuma: Come on! Megumin went through so much to set this up for you.

Megumin: N-No I didn't!

She said while blushing from embarrassment. Y/n scratched his cheek nervously.

Y/n: T-Thanks...

Kazuma: Here. Maybe this will help.

Y/n: Wait... This is...

Kazuma: Have a good time buddy.

Megumin: That's no fair! I didn't get any when I turned 14!

Kazuma: I'm sorry. Children aren't supposed to have alcohol.

Y/n: Sorry. Only ad-

Megumin: Darkness bl-


Megumin: Good.

Y/n: Time to drink this vodka down the hatch.

He stood there deep in thought.

Megumin: So... How do you feel?

Y/n: Give me a second.

Y/n stood there for a minute.

Y/n: Ah, there it is.

Y/n started giggling. He went to get some more. He drank 2 more cups.

Y/n: Hehehe. This is fun! Someone! Fight me! Ahahaha!

Y/n activated his sharingan.

Megumin: H-Hey. Calm down.

Y/n: Alright officer.

Y/n began to drink even more.

Y/n: I'm going to *hic* make the most *hic* out of this.

Megumin: Are you okay?

Y/n: I have never been bett- I'm falling.

Y/n hit the ground with a thud. Megumin dragged him towards the couch. Everyone else seemed to be drunk and doing other things. She put Y/n on the couch and sat next to him.

Y/n: Have I *hic* told you *hic* how *hic* cute you are?

Megumin immediately started blushing and her eyes started glowing.

Megumin: W-W-W-What has gotten into you?! The dense Y/n who can't pick up on the most obvious of hints actually told me I'm cute?!

Y/n: *Hic* I'm not dense. My brother also told me *hic* people act weirdly *hic* when they're drunk. I feel like *hic* I don't care about *hic* anything at the*hic* moment. I'm the one who *hic* broke your staff *hic* by the way.

Megumin's eye started twitching. It stopped and she smiled deviously.

Megumin: Is that so? Tell me, do you think I'm pretty?

Y/n: Of *hic* course I *hic* do. How *hic* could I *hic* not?

Megumin was squealing on the inside.

Megumin: Do you like me? Would you want me to be your girlfriend?

Y/n: Definently.

Megumin felt at peace. She let out a blissful smile.

Megumin: Then why don't you confess to me already?

Y/n: ...

Megumin: Did you hear me?

God's Blessing On This Wonderful Weeb! (Megumin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now