15: Surprise

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I grab my backbag, brush my hair one more time and leave my room, I am going to meet my best friend Kat. I picked a simple outfit, black shorts and a purple t-shirt, who knew California would be this hot on June?

I go downstairs and see my mom sitting by the kitchen island, drinking her coffee. "I am meeting Kat" I say and she nods "Be safe" she waves at me, I wave back and leave.

[time skip]

"Here's your chocolate drink miss" I thank and waitress and take the cup in my hands, Kat also took her coffee a few minutes ago. "Before we met, I read on social media that this kpop group is going on a world tour, and they are coming here!" Kat says and I smile

"Really? Which group?" I ask her and she grabs her chin "Well I don't remember their name" she says and I laugh "Of course you wouldn't remember" she laughs and we continue talking.

As we were talking Kat gasps and I look at her confused "What?" I ask her "omg I remembered their name!" she says excited "What is it?" I ask her and she smiles.

"Their name is TXT"

I stay silent, TXT... Damn I haven't heard that name in so long.

"omg are you okay y/n?!" she seems shocked "what do you mean?" I ask her in confusion, then I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks, fuck.

I wipe them and smile at Kat "Oh I'm okay don't worry" I laugh nervously and she crosses her arms, sitting back "You are hiding something from me right?" of course she would notice.

Somehow me and Kat understand each other perfectly, we always know when there is something wrong, I decided to tell her everything.

[time skip]

"So that's what happened" Kat nods after I tell her everything that happened until I got to America. "So you are friends with a kpop group?" she says surprised.

"I think you mean 'were' " I correct her and she tilts her head "Why?"

"Well basically, ever since I left they never contacted me, and whenever I called them or messaged them, they wouldn't reply" I explain and she sighs "Well you can see them now" she says and I think for a moment.

She has a point, they are coming where I live, I can surprise them. I am waiting for July...

By luck - Soobin ffWhere stories live. Discover now