"I heard Nick is at Princeton Liv. Want me to come down there and kick his ass?" He says smugly and a small smile appears on my face.

"I would say yes but I don't think you'll be able to take him. He didn't even flinch this time when Aiden lunged at him the other day. Something about him has changed guys." I say.

"Yeah maybe it's best if you stay away from him Liv." Dylan replies and Elaina agrees.

"Yeah like I said, I need to speak to Aiden and Jane but listen I need to go and get ready for my class and gym. I'll speak to you guys later." I look at my watch and I have exactly an hour to shower and get ready.

"Yes enjoy. Love you." They both say at the same time.

"Love you guys too." I say and I put the phone down. Mission for today: Number one, go to class and hopefully see Jane and see if she and Aiden wants to go for coffee. Number two, remember to keep my cool when Jane and Aiden give me their reason for lying. Number three, gym and hopefully not break something. I make these mental lists as I get dressed, grab my keys and head downstairs to my car.

"Hey Liv." Jane sits next to me in class and it looks like she hasn't gotten any sleep. She has dark circles under her eyes and she barely looks awake.

"Are you okay?" I whisper.

"Can we please go for coffee after this? You, me and Aiden?" She gives me a quick smile and I nod. Mission number one check.

"Sure." I smile and the lecture starts. She sent me a text saying that Aiden will meet us there and I nod. After the lecture ends, we both went to Starbucks in our separate cars and it gave me enough time to give myself a pep talk about not over reacting or overthinking and to be a mature adult while I was walking inside. They were both already sitting down with their coffee in front of them. I smile as I make my way to the front and I ordered a frappé and joined them.

"So." Jane says awkwardly. It wasn't even five minutes and the waitress brought my frappé over. I thanked her and I took a sip of it.

"You guys are going to have to give me a reason why you didn't tell me?" I smile and I'm sure I handle that quite maturely. I look at the four piercing eyes and they both look a little bit on edge. My lips meet my straw and Aiden clears his throat.

"Look Liv. It was my doing." He looks at Jane and then at me quickly leaning forward on the table, "I met her in South Africa and I've told you the story about us sleeping together even when she dated Nick. When we had the football match and you realized that it was me Jane was engaged to I freaked out a little bit because honestly I had no idea that it was you she was talking about being friends with."

"Aiden get to the lying point please." I sounded a bit irritated but it was like he was beating around the bush. He masked his shock quite quickly.

"The only reason we didn't tell you about us and the fact that we were in South Africa was because Jane was already embarrassed about fact that she cheated on Nick and I didn't want to bring up the past. In all honesty she didn't even know you and Nick dated until he walked in at the restaurant and I told her before we came outside. This is all my fault because I wasn't being honest and I kept the truth from both of you." He looks down and I can see he feels guilty. The good guy I used to like is still in there. Jane looks at me and then takes a sip of her cappuccino and clears her throat.

"When I saw Nick, all the embarrassment came flooding back and obviously for ages I felt bad about it and I regretting it and he did mention an Olivia once or twice when we were together but I mean what are the chances that it was the same person? Anyways, when I moved to Seattle and I ran into Aiden, we started talking again and I knew I needed to be with him. It was like fate for us but I really am sorry about Nick, I honestly had no idea about the two of you dating and that you guys are so in love." She looks down again.

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