Jax opened my door when he noticed that I still hadn't gotten out. He gave me a look and I gasped in surprise, my eyes becoming wide as saucers, as if I was caught doing drugs.

I may as well tell him I snuck out last night even though I was grounded, went to a senior party and saw Colton there, ran away from him, kind of hurt my knee and then ran back home. Damn my adorable face and it's inability to lie. And you know what else, damn my stupid paranoia, my mind was obviously convinced he already knew everything and was putting up some secret facade. I should just put my hands up and ask him to arrest me. Or I needed to go to face expression class, so I can learn how to tell lies, and maybe get away with something once in a while.

He was taken aback by my expression, but I swiftly moved on, stretching my arms above my head, trying to appear neutral and unbothered.

"What are you doin' weirdo? Let's go" he said, unphased by my odd behavior. He started shuffling closer to the open car door and I smiled slightly, letting my arms drop.

"Y-yeah, no problem big brother, n-no problem at all. Just gave my limbs the old stretch before the big game - little of this, a little of that - wouldn't want to pull something'." I replied, while getting out of the car. I turned away from his confused, and probably suspicious gaze and walked towards the others.

I was clearly fucking this all up for myself. When have I ever said big brother? Or 'a little this, a little that'? Never, I have never said it in a million years. I cursed myself again.

But if Jax felt weird he didn't show it, following behind me as I walked to where our team was gathered. I swiftly pulled on my shin guards, before bending down to tie my cleats; I stood in line for warm up drills, and pretty much shut off most of my brain. I was in the zone; I didn't feel tired anymore, just the opposite, I was wired. I got into the line for warm ups, ready to go. 

After faking out the defense in a drill, I sprinted towards the goalie, using my weak side to kick the ball into the top right of the net. Our goalie, Sammy, groaned having missed the save, and so I, of course, started to get cocky.

When I was in the zone, I could get a bit, full on, kind of obnoxious, really.

"Fuck yes!" I cheered proudly, picking up the ball for the next drill. I heard Jax scold me for swearing but there was no stopping me today. Especially since the other team had arrived, and were doing their own warm ups. I glanced over a few times, giving Veronica my famous evil glare.

Ah, how to describe Veronica? The girl hates me, loathes me, and we've been enemies since the day we both played soccer. First, it was grade school, then middle school, now...It was serious. She was horrible really, wore makeup to the games, flirted with anything that could walk, talked down to her teammates and talked shit about other players to their face. She played dirty, and I hated dirty soccer. 

Minutes later, still in line, I noticed Veronica trying to out glare me, flipping her hair dramatically with a fake smile plastered on her face. I growled before introducing her to both my middle fingers. She gasped in mock surprise and turned back to her team, clearly snickering with her friends. I stomped my cleat into the grass, and then felt Jax standing right in front of me. I looked at him and shrugged.

"She asked for it," I grit out, my jaw clenching from anger. He sighed, running a hand down his face lazily.

"Take it down a notch, huh? Just focus on the game." He sternly suggested, while watching me grow angrier at the sight of her untied hair. I mean really, who wears their hair down to a soccer game? I turned away from her, and inhaled visibly to appease my still-standing-there brother.

We finished warm ups, and it was time for the game to begin. I was chugging water as we stretched, then moved to the field after our team huddled. I spotted Liam sitting in a vikings themed folding chair, drinking from a water bottle. He had a baseball hat on, and was wearing a zip up with jeans; it was always weird to see him in casual clothes. Sat right next to him, Zack, who wore joggers, a white long sleeve and a puffy vest, was laughing with Liam about something. I didn't see Colton, no surprise there, he was probably dying of a hangover, or still at that party. What a goon. I smiled again at the memory of him stumbling around last night.

I made it to my position, right midfielder, closest to the crowd and behind the right forward, Rose. Audrey was the left defensive mid, which was probably how we got along so well. We could get pretty aggressive. I grabbed my legs, stretching them against me, pulling them back before cracking my neck for the fourth time. A ritual of sorts. I tightened my ponytail, put some baby hairs behind my ear and took breaths. I saw Zack get up and stand closer to me, he snapped a picture and laughed. I groaned, and turned to him, giving him a look.

"Sorry - couldn't resist, you look so adorable in that little uniform," He teased me in surrender. 

"Zackkkkk, stopppp," I whined. He smiled at me again and then sat down, laughing with Liam.

Ugh! Okay, get your head back in the game, Ryann, I scolded myself, shaking my head.

Then the refs came out to the field. 

And I narrowed my eyes once I spotted their right forward.

My mind raged, when she stared at me with that same, creepy smile. I was ready to wipe that smirk off her face, maybe with a soccer ball, or better yet, my fucking fist.

I shifted, looking at the ground and breathing through my nose to calm the intense anger growing inside me. The ball was put in the middle of the field and since we had lost the coin toss they had possession first.

Didn't bother me though, I was ready. The ref blew the whistle...


Sorry it's shorter than most of my other chapters, another update will be coming out soon though :)

Thanks for the votes and reads! Enjoy!

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