disturbing end (10)

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My dearly Beloveds,

So ends this dark tale of a Vampire, a Werewolf and the strange being called Deer Woman.

First of all, I leave this to you the reader to decide:

Does Shouta stay with Lilah eventhough she killed the dearest person in his 'changed' life?

Or does he leave the forest, once a place to call home but now only feels pain at the sight of it?

Once again this isn't about sex and couples stay or split.

It's about behaviors that hurts us and others we love. If we are not willing to change sometimes terrible things happen that don't seem fair. Yet the proverbial writing was on the wall we just choose to ignore it.

As a vampire, Hizashi couldn't see how his lust for killing needlessly. Shouta was his best friend and wonderful Husband but he also was enabling.

Then there's Lilah. She lives in a forest haunted by fear and death. She lives only to extract vengeance on men who do great and cruel harm to women.

In the end everyone loses...

This story was over a year in writing. I had hoped the darkness would have lightened up with the time away. If anything it's more dark than I imagined. What was supposed to be a twisted monster fuck is now an attempt to make sense of where this came from in me.

I know a monster slumbers in my mind. I know so much I can not look in a mirror and not call myself: Monster sometimes. I hope that by letting my dark inner self out in writing versus hurting others, is a better.

But there are those that don't understand. They can't understand. I do understand that. If I have made you mildly uncomfortable then so be it. That's what warnings are for.

All of my research is provided in the next chapters. If something is confusing or you wonder where I got my information the knowledge is with this story.

Now I shall leave you to ponder my madness...

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