Lil town (2)

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“Yamada!  What the fuck as gotten into you?  I’m tired of disposing of bodies for you!  I went to hunt last night and you killed all those campers...for what?  You didn’t even feed on all of them,"  Aizawa yells at his Husband in the car, as they drive down a two lane highway in the mountains.

“Relax.  It’s so remote out here still, no one will figure it out.  Besides two were big game hunters and got sight of you.  They were going to hunt you, babe and I kinda got out of control,”  Yamada shrugs his shoulders.

“Hizashi I love you with all of my heart but you have to get these urges back under control…”

“Would you kill me, your Husband, if someone came along better?” asks Yamada.

“It has nothing to do with another replacing you.  You can never be replaced, you’re my Husband!” Shouta says with uncharacteristic emotion but wants to let Hizashi know just how important his Husband is to him. 

“Is it you who might be jealous? “

“Perhaps a little but so far none of those we tested, were up to our needs...don’t you agree?”  Yamada smiles.

Shouta looks away long enough from the road to glare at his Husband, “I am not wanting a woman anymore, if that’s the problem.”

“No, no...just none have been durable enough for either of us.  Those that have quirks are not even particularly, non breakable..."

“Non breakable?  Since when did that become a requirement?” Shouta looks confused.

“Well, attractive enough for you but not too tasty, blood wise for me,” Hizashi chuckles softly.

Aizawa frowns, “What does that mean?”

“A Wife…”

“Okay maybe a young country woman who won’t be missed too much?” Shouta asks out loud. “Like an outdoors type…”

Hizashi laughs, “That’s more what I am talking about Shou!  We should stop at the next town, so you can get some food.  I’m still full from the campers last night.”

“That would be Deerlick…”Shouta states, “Whopping population of 247 people.”

“So if I eat some of the townspeople are they going to get a new sign?”  Hizashi wiggles his eyebrows.

Aizawa shook his head and mouths the words, no.

Shouta stops at a diner with a gas station to fill the car up in case they need to do a speedy getaway.  Hizashi enters the diner.  A middle aged waitress loudly says over her shoulder, “Sugar just pick an empty table or booth.  I’ll be with you soon.”

The blonde vampire sits down in a booth and looks out the window at his Husband.  He chuckles at how good Shouta’s ass looks as he is bending down, checking the air in the tires.  Trust pro hero Eraserhead, to make sure their car was all set, for a quick get away if need be. 

Though as of late ,Aizawa seems to be more in his head and less speaking to Hizashi.  It was explained to them in the beginning, that Vampires and Werewolves do get along, but there are enough differences that it can cause a split between the two Supernaturals.  Usually the relationship is not equal and the vampire controls the werewolf more as a servant. 

Obviously this is not the case with Shouta and Hizashi.  It is often the Werewolf that controls the vampire, in this relationship, so they appear human enough.  It simply boils down to their personalities before they were changed and nothing more.  An exceptional stress factor must occur for Shouta, to change by accident and the moon doesn’t affect him.

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