Fire Watch

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I sit on top of the watchtower

the sun setting on the horizon

the sky turning the color of a bell flower

the clouds glow and brighten

the sun orange and the sky purple

my mind finally relaxing

i had been running in a circle

looking for an answer, looking for a reply

staring up at the sky

everything else seems to drift away

it was the only way to get by

I was the only one who wanted this job

the breeze is refreshing

rippling through my unbuttoned plaid shirt and tank top

the silence is deafening

finally by myself with only a radio

giving me time to grow

suddenly a voice blurts through the walkie talkie

breaking the seemingly never ending silence

it was Delilah

she shined like a diamond

her favorite fruit was papaya

and her favorite animal was a koala

her personality was like a plumeria flower

we have never met in person

she was in another watchtower

but we have gotten to know each other in these past months

my wife was diagnosed with on-set dementia

she acted with hints of hysteria

her memory slowly seeping away

just waiting for her last day

Delilah made me forget all this

she gave me a sense of bliss

it felt like my mind was stuck in an abyss

but Delilah helped me out

she gave me hope

one day we will meet face to face

some time in the future

in some far away place

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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