The Little Cricket

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There once was a little cricket

who lived in a lush thicket

among other larger beautiful crickets

everyday they'd bring home supplies

he brought home a crumb from some french fries

other crickets were colorful

bright greens, yellows, and oranges

they'd collect plastics, metals, and door hinges

many different colors and designs

they'd bring home berries, fruits, and porridge

setting them in front of the queen on shrines

but the little cricket could never measure up

to the standards made by the ones above

he never felt worthy

never felt love

one day he decided to wander off

behind him bread crumbs he would toss

until he came upon a group

little crickets carry carrots, lettuce, and soup

he picked up a nearby crumb and followed suit

they went down under here they kept the loot

there the queen stared down at him

she said to him

"I know what you are here for

I know what you seek

but I can not make your wishes complete

no matter where you go

through the wet jungle or the desert heat

you can't change who you are

the answer you are looking for is not far

look into your heart

know what you believe

you are enough no matter what others think they see"

so the cricket went back to the colony

he believed what the queen had said

he would stand tall and lead

he was just as good

no matter the amount of bread

or plastic he retrieved

the queen taught him something he would keep

that looks are only skin deep

as the cricket got older

he taught the other crickets that same lesson

the same lesson he told him, the same lesson he told her

he shared with them his confession

of his past depression

as the colony grew larger he watched

the young lings being taught

some disagreed and some of them fought

but the little cricket wanted to give a voice

to those who were too small to have one

to give them the same rights, to give them the same choice

and he continued to do that until the day he died

he wouldn't stop until the last breath he sighed

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