I was sitting on a couch in the library, my head down in my hands.

Miguel was sitting in a chair, opposite me, laughing. At me. Halfway through the process of Amber patching my neck up, he had come down and heard the songs I'd been singing. He hadn't stopped laughing the whole time.

"You're a grown man, aren't you supposed to act a bit more mature?" I snapped. Amber, sitting in the chair beside him, looked kind of panicked. Probably because she didn't want a fight starting between us.

Miguel let out a snort of laughter. "Please. An idiot can make anyone laugh, no matter the age," he said.

I narrowed my eyes at him and fumed. I was seriously questioning his motives for wanting to help me. Why would he want to? From what I gathered, he wasn't my biggest fan. The feeling was mutual, though. Amber must  have suggested helping me because i couldnt see him wanting to put himself into harm's way for anyone, especially me.

Amber nudged him to make him stop laughing. After a few tries, he managed to compose himself a bit.

"So, why did you end up with the vampires, anyway?" Amber asked. "What did you do to make them notice you?"

"I beat up a few guys who were harrassing this other one dude, and I stopped a machine from falling on this woman and the vampires heard and they wanted to kill me because apparently I was challenging their authority by being on their territory or something. Then they dragged me off and shit happened," I said.

Miguel gave me a look that could be interpreted as 'you're such an idiot', 'I doubt it happened like that' or 'how did you even get yourself into that mess'. It was probably the first one.

"The fact that vampires managed to capture you is really quite something. Vampires are really...not all that powerful, in our world," Amber said, with a doubtful look on her face. "If they could capture you and leave you incapacitated, something must have happened. Or, something is...wrong."

With you. Thats what she was going to say.

Great, now I wasnt just trouble and a freak in their eyes but i was also a weakling. I looked out the window.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see that Miguel was looking bored. I was just a silly child to him. He had one hand rested on the couch, supporting his face, while he looked at me. "You have a home, yes?"

I felt sour. "Not any more."

"Since when?"

"A few days ago."

"Why?" he said.

"I dont want to answer your stupid questions. I dont even know what you guys want. I thought you were going to leave me alone, to save yourselves."

"We'll be getting around to that," Miguel said in a bored voice. "But first you must tell us about your situation."

"Eveny, we cannot help you without your co-operation," Amber said.

"You said you didnt want to help me in the beginning," I muttered to my self.

They stared at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Fine. My...guardian," I couldnt believe I was acknowledging her as that. "Wanted me to go to school. She wasn't happy that I had dropped out of school so she tried to re-enroll me but since now, that I'm a shadow walker, I thought...I thought that..." I swallowed my nerves. "You know, there would be more pressing matters. So I ran away after getting into a fight with her."

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