Something is changing

22 4 0

Basically I'm just going to upload when ever I feel like it, I don't care how short the chapters are. It's easier and quicker. If I'm bothered to, I'll probably go back and delete all the errors my phone has made.

I was picked up and held, very gently, in the arms of an amazing - I'm not exaggerating - woman. She had hair that was almost white and orange eyes that glowed. Her skin was alabaster and perfect.

I touched my hand to her face. "So perfect," I whispered.

She didn't seem to hear me. She carried me out of the bathroom, through the crowds that parted for her to another room. It felt like forever till we reached it.

Miguel shut the door behind him with a slam. "Amber, what is the meaning of this?" Miguel demanded.

Amber put me on a poster bed. She put me under the blanket and then walked off to Miguel, talking quietly.

"Shadow realm," I heard her say. "...another one...just like...unlike any other...haven't seen it in a long time."

Miguel key out a shaky breath and sat down. "How could this happen?" he asked, pushing his hair back from his face. "I-I never thought that..."

Amber touched his shoulder tenderly. They looked like lovers.

"I know, Old friend, I know. But something is changing, I can feel it, I know you can, too," she whispered.

He looked at her, his eyes looked so haunted I felt scared. "What is happening, Amber?"

She turned to me and they saw that I was conscious.

She walked over to me and sat on the bed. "What is your name, child?" she asked, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Eveny Valance," I said, I was mesmerised by her. I couldn't lie.

Her amber eyes looked at me. "Poor child," she whispered more to herself.

Miguel was sprawled in his chair his face in his hand. He looked devastated, a million years older than the man I had met downstairs.

"Young shadow walker," she said, desperately sad, stroking my face. Her voice sounded like there were many other beautiful chorused voices speaking with her.

I looked up at her. "Shadow walker? What do you mean?" I asked.

Miguel looked at me both piteously and angrily. "Your dimidium hasn't told you."

"What dimidium?" I asked. Something in me fluttered uncomfortably. Nervous.

"The one who made you like this. The one who fell," Miguel said, sounding slightly disgusted, longing.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said.

Amber took my face in her hands. "Child, what happened to you?" she asked. Even though she looked young herself, I had a hunch she was far older than she looked.

"What happened to you?" I whispered back. I didn't know what was happening. It was like I couldn't control the way I behaved or what I was saying.

She looked like she was about to tear up. "I fell."

I snapped out of my trance. "What's going on?" I asked, panicking.

Miguel walked over to me. "You are in shock. Tell us what happened, before we found you in the bathroom," he said business-like. He didn't mention him strangling me or me puking on his shoes.

"I was...encouraged to come to this party. But I felt sick..."

I told them the whole story.

"Why did you come wearing a wig?" Miguel asked.

"I wanted to."

Amber studied me. "Tell me, who is your dimidium?" she asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said, sounding slightly exasperated.

"Who is the Angel that fell for you?"

I backed away from them. "Whoa, what? Angel? I didn't...I don't know any Angels, I didn't make an Angel fall for me. I don't...angels don't exist!" I cried out. The feeling in my chest that had been uncomfortable before was now far more irritating.

Miguel looked at me gently, the first nice expression he'd ever made to me. "Querida, we both know that's not true. The Angels are now a part of our lives, whether we want them or not " he said. "There is something, something deep down within you, that knows I am telling the truth."

I shook my head. "That's not true. That's not true."

Amber was looking down at her hands, sadly.

"It is true because I am one," she whispered.

My mind was whirling.

"No, no, you're lying. They don't...they don't..." I stuttered. I couldn't think straight. "What am I? What's happening to me?"

"Your body is completing the process. The change," Miguel said.

"What process?"

"We're not human anymore," he said. "We are another species entirely. Equipped with more weapons to defend ourselves, far more superior than humans"

"Er, what?"

"Miguel, explain everything."

So he did.

And I went into shock, again.

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