Danny Boy's Apologies

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George obviously wasn't happy.

He looked even angrier than the time in grade three where I'd had to go the principal's office for biting my teacher.

"What was going on?" he asked. Me and Dante were sitting on the couch so that meant that George was looming over us.

"Eveny cut a hole in my jeans and now I don't have any more. She also called me a loser. Oh, yeah, she also implied that I was a man sl*t" Dante said in an insulted way.

Jeez, sook much?

George looked at me disapprovingly. "Eveny?"

"Dante brought his bimbos home" was all I said. And just like that I was pardoned from hell.

"What have I told you about bringing girls home?" George raged. "I have told you over and over again. By bringing them home you are setting a reputation for......"

I zoned out while George was going off at Dante. I really needed to pee but I knew better than to ask while he was scolding Dante. It would just redirect his rage to me. Anyway, back in the eith grade when Dante first started bringing girls home, me and George put up with all the girls that walked in and out of our door for three months. By the second month, four diiferent girls a week would be walking in and out of our door, most of them in tears. Me and George got so sick of the crying that we banned all girls - me excluded - from our house. So now, if Dante brings any girls home he gets hell for it.

George sighed. "Okay, Dante, I get your needs" he said in a way that indicated he was a complete idiot. "But please stop behaving like a child. Ev is a child so that's fair enough for her but you are older than her, so please try to behave your age."

Dante was sulking. "I'm older than you" he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes. He was so immature, I really pitied him. 

"Dante" George said so coldly that he shivered. "You may be two hours older than me but you act like you're ten years younger. Stop acting like a child."

Dante's face got even gloomier as he mumbled an apology.

George rubbed his temples. "Listen, you guys. Stop misbehaving, okay? I am sick of scolding you guys so please stop this."

"Sorry, George."

"Yeah, bro. Sorry. It wont happen again" Dante said, as he scratched his head embarrassedly.

George smiled wearily. "It's okay. Just please try and keep the stress levels low-"

"Danny, baby! I missed you!" a high-pitched voice squealed. A blur of orange and yellow flew past ourheads and attatched itself to Dante. "Where have you been? You told me that I could come at Three O'clock"

Dante's face went visibly pale as he realised what was happening. "Er...Lindsey? Now isn't a good time. In fact, it will never be a good time."

Lindsey got a confused look on her face. "Eh, why not?"

I smirked as I looked over at George. "You may not have noticed but there's an atomic bomb in this house. You may want to leave before it explodes" I said wrily.

Lindsey looked at me and frowned. "Danny...are you cheating on me?''

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