Death is the Beginning

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  • Dedicado a Rosie Libby

Hey guys. I have to restart this story all over again because my other wattpad account isn't working. It's really annoying. Anyway this story is mine and 'ellygrace' is my old account's name that stopped working. Anyway. I hope you guys like this story. :)


I sat on the window sill reading Macbeth.

I didn't understand it.

George probably would. He was the smart one after all.

"Eveny" Dante yelled as he stormed into my room. "Why is there a hole in my jeans?!"

I kept a straight face as I looked up at him. "Maybe that hole was made when you were shakin' it up with your bimbo last week. I know it's hard to do things when you're excited but you should really take your pants off before you... do anything."

Dante didn't look too happy over my piece of advice. "Eveny" he said through clenched teeth. "These were my last pair of jeans."

"What about the ones I gave you last Christmas?" I asked.

He glared at me. "Fluorescent pink jeans that has 'Princess' written all over it? I don't think so."

I barely suppressed my laugh. Last Christmas George and I were pissed off at Dante for eating the ginger bread house me and George made so I bought him a crappy gift. When I went shopping for them the shop attendant asked who they were for. When I told her they were for my brother her eyes widened and she hastily walked away from me. No doubt thinking I had a gay brother.

Also, the look on Dante's face was priceless when he saw our gifts - George bought him a plastic tiara with cinderella's face on it (Dante didn't buy us anything as usual) - I would never forget it.

"What happened to all your other jeans?" I asked, putting Macbeth down on the bed.

I thought that he was going to yell at me for asking such a stupid question and that they were in the laundry, duh.

So, when he blushed and stuttered out "Some girl i dumped last week stole all of my jeans as a ... Memory of me." I started cracking up.

"Oh My gosh. You poor boy. Ahahahahahaha, I'm sure you didn't like that. Hahaha. ...It wasn't your fault - oh, wait, it was. Ahahahahahha loooooooooooool. You're such a loser!"

When I'd finished laughing Dante glared at me. "Eveny...."

I knew that look well. It was a sign that he was going to kick my ass.

"Heh, whoops. Would you look at the time. I'd better get going" I ducked under his arm and ran out of the room, locking the door behind me.

As I ran down stairs I could hear Dante struggling to open the door. "EVENY!".

I ran down the stairs and jumped behind the couch.

My heart was beating a mile a minute and like all those times when you're supposed to be hiding I had to pee.

I heard the door slam open upstairs and loud heavy footstpes stomping down the stairs.

"Where is she? I'm gonna kill her!" Dante screamed.

I tried to control my breathing so he wouldn't find me but he had good ears.

Something whipped into my back and I screamed. I jumped up and over the couch and ran to the kitchen counter.

Dante was holding one of the most dangerous weapons on eath in his hands. A weapon so terrifying hitler would have given up.

A wet towel.

I began to scream and laugh as Dante chased me around the living room/kitchen while whipping me.

He whipped the towel at me again and it caught my leg, making me tumble over. Dante immediately dropped the towel and began twisting my arm.

"How's this for a Loser?" Dante said smugly.

I screamed and laughed as he somehow pulled my arm up even further.

"Ahhhhhh, Please, you'll damage my arm!" I yelled.

"You little brat. I'll hurt you for sure-" he began in a half joking voice.

"What's this?" a voice said.

Dante immediately dropped my arm, making me fall to the ground.

"Ah, shit-" I looked up mid-curse. "Oh, hey, George."

ImmortalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora