Chapter 2

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The lift to the canopy opens slowly unveiling the Republic's war room. Freya senses the energy of the room shift as she and the fellow Jedi enter. Ahead, a vast opening allowing for an optimal view of the expansive ocean and battle below. The battle outside is calming as the Republic maintained their hold over the shore. Once again the Republic forces have held their ground and emerged as victors against the Sith. Something about that skirmish doesn't sit well with Freya. Through the Force she senses something. It almost feels to her that it was a distraction for something else. The Sith warriors she encountered seem so novice in their skill of the Force.

They walk in calm unison to the large HoloTable near the center of the room. Freya looks around and realizes she has never met any of the officers present. One by one, the Jedi surround the large rectangular table and face the Republic officers. Flynn takes his place next to her and gives her a small smile and wink as he looks down at her. Freya smiles back and turns her attention to the projections on the table.

Below, the table projects an interactive reading of the Kashyyyk landscape. Blue and green pixilated images of valleys with lakes and what seems like an endless forest landscape display to the beings in the room.

A dark brown Mon Kalamari male dressed in a pristine general's uniform speaks. "You have been summoned here from your previous posts in the galaxy for an important mission." The general eyes the room. Freya realizes this is none other than the infamous General Ruusan. She has heard stories of him and the great battles he has won in the name of the Republic. He has a very calming presence. His large fish eyes glance at her party of Jedi.

Freya feels the calm reach her fellow Jedi as he continues speaking. "Several nights ago, Supreme Commander, Powell Damain led operatives on a mission to the Kashyyyk city of Warralok--- fifty klicks from us here at Rwookrrorro. The last reading we got was of his capture by Sith forces."

The energy of the room wavers slightly. Freya eyes the moving holographic image on the table and then looks up at the general. "Our scouts returned with images that the Supreme Commander was taken by the Sith to this location." He zooms in on a small valley away from the Warralokk city.


"General, you mentioned he led operatives on a mission---what was he after?" Freya asks.

"That is the most important part. He was able to locate a map." The room remains silent as they all wait for him to finish. Freya reaches out through the Force and can sense the raw emotions the general has about this map. This is no ordinary map.

After a few moments, the general speaks. "It allegedly leads to the location of Darth Vitiate." The energy of the Republic officers lifts and Freya can sense their whirlwind of emotions from General Ruusan's announcement. All the Jedi present know what this means. The emperor has not been on Korriban since taking power. Every attempt the Jedi and Republic have made to locate him has led to death and destruction. Even the Sith do not even know where he resides.

We could finally kill him and end this war once and for all. Freya thinks as she is careful not to showcase her excitement from the news. She scans her fellow Jedi, and they all turn their eyes to her. They are all thinking the same thing: how they wished he would die. Freya thinks back to endless faces in her mind; of all the friends and fellow Jedi, she has lost in this war.

"It is imperative that we recover the Supreme Commander before the enemy makes their next move. The enemy has eyes all over this section of the forest. The five of you shall be dropped here before nightfall." General Ruusan moves and zooms the holographic map to an area away from the Sith encampment towards a rocky ocean side. "The energy fields in this area obscure scanners; this is where you shall drop. Your target will be eight klicks to the East. Wait for the cover of nightfall before you advance on the camp. Once you locate and rescue the Supreme Commander, your rendezvous point shall be here."

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