Chapter 15

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Air speeders pass Freya's living room apartment window. The sun is setting on the Coruscant's horizon and the city-planet is as awake as ever. Leaning against the cold wall in the dimly lit room; Freya falls slowly down to the hardwood floor.

Raising her knees to her chest, Freya wraps her left arm around her legs. Her right-hand raises the holopad she was given from a young padawan after the council meeting. She has looked over the mission reports and schematics at least a dozen times. Memorizing her next call to battle before she departs again. She has grown so used to this routine -- all her missions blur together as she tries to remember them individually.

Her right-hand falls limply once more to her side and the holopad with it. Tossing the device a little ways away from her -- Freya's posture softens.

"Why did they send me to Kashyyyk if they weren't going to follow through with the information gathered?" Freya watches as the last ray of light escapes behind superskytowers on the horizon. Endless streams of air speeders flash across her large window. Each one is illuminated in the dark sky. All busy going about their lives -- clueless to what's going on in the rest of the galaxy.

Unlike them, I have to fight the dark plague from reaching them. Yet they act as ignorant and blissful as if they didn't know of the Jedi's existence.

Frustration and sadness cloud her mind like a rolling fog -- her thoughts race.

The council knows we need to end this! He needs to be destroyed! They, too, have heard the whispers and rumors of the power Vitiate possesses! Yet they sit in their golden halls hiding from the growing threat as if it couldn't sack the very temple they cower behind! Why did they waste all those resources and lives to get something so valuable -- that they squander the chance to catch the enemy off guard! A single tear falls from Freya's left eye and rolls down her cheek.

"They don't understand this pain!" Freya's throat chokes from the incoming sob. "If evil prevails again it's all their fault! They know I can destroy it! They know I can harness the power! They are holding me back!" Freya screams. Using the Force she wraps an invisible clutch around the holopad to her side. Sending it soaring across her living room and crashing into the far wall.

Freya's left hand is still extended forward as she watches pieces of the shattered device crumble to the floor. Just like the holopad, Freya crumbles inside.

She hasn't felt this alone since that night her life changed forever. Since that night she lost her family. Since that night she was sent on a course of destiny the second that Force wave hit her foes. Since that night she was ripped away from her home by her new family -- the Jedi.

"I'm so alone," she sobs to herself. More tears fall from her eyes and slowly roll down her cheek. She doesn't even bother wiping them away -- more will just fall. This ravenous hole growing inside of her won't be satisfied until she's completely consumed in anger and grief.


The familiar pressure builds in the Force around Freya's body and mind. Its tight pressure contours her torso like being embraced by a lover. Its sensual touch stops her sobs.


Endless voices whisper into Freya's ear. Those same whispers and voices have haunted her dreams since arriving at the temple for the first time all those years ago.

A shiver runs down her spine as she feels the Force connecting her to familiar energy.

The pressure breaks.

"You're not alone," the mask-less Sith says softly. He appears sitting in a meditative pose across from her. His features are soft. He sensed her presence before she felt his.

Knights of the Old Republic: Awakening | A Star Wars Reylo StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora